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If u got any questions I will answer them to the best of my ability


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:) Yo, I may be new around here but I know a lot.I can find out just about anything on any anime saga u wanna know about:) [COLOR=darkblue]I am a newbie in this place but in my mind I know an awful lot about anime[/COLOR] :cool: I just wanna try to be cool friends with everyone and benefit in knwledge in this cool place.I want to be friends with everyone.I would love to share ideaswith everyone here:) So if you all could chat with me or pm me I would love to share ideas ok:) :) :) :cool: :cool: :cool:
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Guest Altron Gundam
Welcome to the boards. You may think you know a lot, which you probably do, but not more than me when it comes to DBZ/GT. Well, good luck answering the easy questions that come your way.
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