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Zone of the enders 2nd runner


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hey everyone i was just wondering if anyone has played ZOE 2 and i want to kno if its worth buying and is it better then the first one because i want to buy it when its relased but i dont want to waste £40
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  • 2 weeks later...
[font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]If you liked the first game, you should love The Second Runner. It's basically what the first title should have been like, with an engrossing story, more varied gameplay and battle locations, a non-whining main character, and certainly more faster, harder and greater than the original Zone of the Enders.[/color][/font]
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Guest visser 3
Couldnt have put it better myself. The way you battle is ten times faster than the first so you'll get a kick out of that.
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