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What Would Happen If...


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I got thinking of many things in some anime. Mainly it would be things about certain characters doing certain things or certain events happening different. Since I pretty much understand what the mods like to see in threads, make sure it is based on anime only and not on movies that have been made in the US or something like that. Answer a question with a decent well-put answer to make a question please. Here is my question:

What would happen if a Super Saiya-jin 4 received the power of the 7 Chaos Emeralds and was able to control it?


What would happen if a GOOD Super Saiyan 4 recieved the power of the 7 Chaos Emeralds and was able to control it? (ex: Goku, Vegeta, or Gogeta)
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well there would be many things to consider foremostly being would it be for good or evil because control of such power can either bring peace to the earth or obliterate it entirely and after such knowledge is attained i would wonder, would a ssj 4 character be able to handle such raw energy.......

goku mabye, gohan for sure......but vegeta and bebi....although cool, they would buckle under the pressure
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[color=hotpink][size=1]While I'm glad to see that you put a good bit of thought into the making of this topic, I say that it must be closed as it will never generate any decent discussion. You can raise a million possibilities, but the randomness will just go on and on endlessly. Besides, threads like this, these "What if" threads aren't really allowed anyway. Good idea, though.

Thread Closed.[/color][/size]
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