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Legend of Mana

Guest Spike88

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Guest Spike88
[FONT=Impact]Well, I think Legend of Mana was one of the best designed multiplayer RPG's ever. I have it and to make the statement that it is still a popular game would be an understatement. It bought it like 4 months ago because I loved the game after i played it at a friends house. The cheapest I could find the game was $23 for a playstation game. I've lent it to friends and they love the game also. I was wondering what some of your thoughts on the game are. It does have a few problems like it is very easy to beat. That can be fixed however because you can play all of the sidequest and put it into Nightmare mode. That is really my only problem with the game. So, what do you think about the game. If, i had to rate I would give a 9 out of 10.[/FONT] :)
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
I've never played it but I bought the soundtrack because it is awesome. I really like the end credits song. I guess that's all I really have to say, but personally the word on the street is that it's much worse than Secret of Mana.
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Guest Spike88
[FONT=Impact]YEa the songs on the game are awesome. I like everything but the battle songs like when your fighting. They get so annoying and are kind of stupid lol. The end credits song is very addictive. Well, thanx for your input anyways later[/FONT] :)
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But I first played Legend of Mana when I was young, I only got to rent it not buy it. I used to rent it every weekend with my brother back in the day (must've been at least 3 years ago). But then, it was no longer at the video store. Either they sold it, or we were the only idiots who would go out and rent it so they chucked it. X( Wahhhh...

I never played Secret of Mana *cries* but I used my Christmas money to buy Sword of Mana...

And I didn't like it.

Well I do (I'm still playing it) but not as much as Legend of Mana.

But that's because it wasn't like Legend of Mana. In LoM you could create your own world, do different missions at different times, and if a certain mission had no one there to be in your 'party' just take along Bud or Lisa or one of the monsters you raised.

I asked my mother to try and find it for me for my birthday (she has my old PS1). So maybe I'll get to play it again, I sure do miss it...
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Guest Spike88
[FONT=Impact]Thanx for your reply but maybe you could include a few of the reasons why you like it next time. I got that it was different than the other games but what makes it great in your opinion was what i was looking for anyways thank you.[/FONT] :)
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I did say some of the reasons I liked it. You could create your own world, choose to go on whatever mission you wnated that was avaiable at the time, raise monsters, take Lisa or Bud with you, etc. The missions were really fun and very interesting and plot thickening. There was like mutilple plots too. Pearl and whats-his-name (I forgot it! *feels horrible* I forget what their race was too, i just remember their cores were like jewels and that jewel hunter was after them for it and if one died the other would too, and that Pearl was THE most useless character in your party EVER) and their story... Lisa and Bud's story, not to mention the different plots behind each place. It's been a long time so i frgot alot of the character's names.

Btw, Li'l Cactus was my favourite part. Thank god he was still in Sword of Mana. Him and his cute ryhmes. ^^
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Guest Spike88
[FONT=Impact]Thanx I know you gave some reasons but i meant more specific which you did give your second go round. By the way the character's name you were looking for is Elazul I think thats how you spell it. I liked little cactus too. I didn't like his mission though you had to go like 6 different places. It just took to long is all. ANyways thanx for your input[/FONT] :)
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