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Harlequin ((Chrono Cross)) banner


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[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]im looking for a Harlequin banner and avitar. ((harlequin from Chrono Cross)) I dont really mind wich picture you use for the banner but if you could possibly NOT put my name on it and have it say "You must find the place.......where angels loose there way." Thank you to whoever makes it if anyone has the curtesy to. [[damn my spelling]] i will sell my soul to whoever makes this banner and avi for me. Well......hypathetically...beacuz i already sold my soul...heh heh. Yes. I would give it to you if i had it but. Ah well.....thank you to whoeer makes this i will love you untill i die and ill take you with me........yeah....thankx[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Well that was an ....interesting request you had there. Harle was my favorite character from Chrono Cross so I couldn't help but make you a banner/avi set. ^__^ I made two because I couldn't decide between the two backgrounds. The picture is pretty blurry, but it is the best I was able to find. I hope you like them. Here goes:
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