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Venting Post


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My family. They bug me sooooooooooo much. I have a big sister and a mom and a dad, but they're divorced. That makes it harder. My problems start with my sister. She's selfish and arrogant and is always picking fights with me and my mom. No matter what the circumstance, she complains, whines, and makes life a living heck until she gets what she wants. Although, sometimes she actually acts like a big sister's supposed to, but that's once every blue moon.
To continue, my mother is very annoying. If I want to spend the night at a friend's house, she has to know about it weeks before I go. She's unfair and she won't listen to anyone. If you try to fight back against her, she yells at you and starts something with it just because you want a little freedom. When I have to clean my room, she nit-picks at everything. If she sees a microscopic piece of paper on the floor, she makes you clean the entire room all over again and then some. When my dad comes over, they're always going out and leaving my sister and I home alone while they go out and get drunk, but then they start fighting again and its nothing but workworkwork all the time to try to keep them all peaceful like.


thanx for having this thread. It's very helpful.
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Well, my friends tell me I can't friggin be in there conversation in PE. All because it was about my friends boyfriend, who I hate (for good reason) and then called me an idiot because them excluding me bothered me. :confused:

Then my other friend says I should forgive the guy I hate. :confused: After all, it was my fault he got it in his head he could grope me. [I]I[/I] fell asleep next to him, I gave him the idea he could. So, should be friends with him again. Bull.

Then, at home, I'm standing by my mom. She called me fat. My mom called me fat. :(
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There is so much to vent and so little time...well, here's my first venting post.

About a good 99.9% Of my hate, anger, rage and loathing goes right to my damn family. Merely for the fact that every single one of those sheep are preps. They pass/ed through school with D's and F's by simple bribes and "Meeting teatchers after class". When my parent want me to do something, it's always put in a threat. Like they're going to take away my stuff, not that I have very much any more...-_-; Anyways, being the lot of them are preps, they do sports in some fashion. My father was a quarterback in his old school and is coach in mine...my brother is running back, my sister is lead-cheerleader whom can only get through school with her body. Naturally, my family is trying to get me involved in sports. Yeah, right, like I want to end up like some meat head quarterback that's getting tackled every 2 minutes. Unlike everyone else in my family, I have a brain sell count over 10 billion. I'm not wasting a one on an outdoor sport.

I had a pre-mature case of death because of those jackasses. We were driving through a forest (Damn summer camps...) when lighting struck a tree, which burnt till it fell across the road. I'm always in the mid-back seat, unbuckled because there isn't one. My father couldn't see the road and slammed right into that tree at 55 miles per hour. I flew out the front window while everyone else merely got minor concusions and bruises. I was knocked out could for 2 hours and it wasn't until I was awake that my parents called a damn hospital. Two hours, laying on the cold, wet ground, fractured skull, shredded skin, broken legs and an arm. For two hours straight, my skin burned from the salty asfult. When the ambulance got there, they had to at least act concerned for me, but when they couldn't even touch my bloody hands, I yelled at them...I coughed up blood and fell unconcious again. When I got to the hospital, one of the nurses said that I coughed up a good 3 pints of blood before dieing...she said they did everything they could before my parents bribed them to stop trying...about fifteen minutes later, I woke up under a white sheet. I said "Where am I?" and sat up slowly...my arm was fine and so was my skull but I couldn't feel my legs...I ended up causing the nurse to feint when I sat up cause...well...I was legally dead. She woke up after a while, got me a wheel chair and took me to my room...my intire family even wanted the money they bribed to let me die back!

Ever since then, I've never felt the same. I was paralyzed from the waist down but that's not what I meant...I know longer felt like this...child being bullied by his family. When they'd say something rude or would try to hurt me in some patetic way, I'd counter them in exact, cold presesion...like my sister would insult me daily for being disabled and I just said what's on my mind without fear...she then shut up for the rest of the day. When my father would try to smack me, I'd grab his arm and punch him in the gut. He'd never see me again the rest of the day. I was scared of myself at first...but after 2 years...I feel like a god among insects...not only that, but I had felt smarter. Tests and quizzes were a breeze since that day. I was stronger disabled than in perfect condition...

Sorry about that...ranting again. So, yeah, my anger goes right to my family...
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[size=1][color=red]Well, my friends and I joined Tech Club and we signed up to do a website as a [I]team[/I], except Im the one doing all the work! Well, its not like they can help since Im the only one who knows HTML, but my one friend keeps rushing me! And it bugs me a lot.

My brother makes me mad... he has such an anger problem! He calls me bad names all the time and I ignore it most of the time, and when I call him names he blows up in my friggen face!? He thinks he can be mean to people but they gotta do whatever he wants them to do. He is so spoiled and when he gets yelled at he says he doesnt get anything he wants. Argh! When I am mean to him when my friend is over she says im too mean and "what did he do to you?" next time I should say to her "it the fact that he [I]exists[/I], really" ((Quote from James Potter, 5th Harry Potter book)), Does anybody know a country thats willing to buy him from me?[/size][/color]
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[size=1]OtakuBoards are geared toward discussion. Venting is much better suited to the more personal set-up of myOtaku.

Foreverinfinity, in the future please put more effort into the threads you start. Start off a discussion, don't just ask for input with a promise of another post later. Thanks.[/size]
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