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Springtime Is Here!!


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Spring is officially here. My mom and I are growing a garden outside and the first tulip is starting to bloom. Also, the birds are singing and are back from the south. Especially the robins. Flowers growing is how I tell that spring is here. How about you? How do you know that Spring Break is near? What do you do to get springtime rolling?
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[font=Garamond][size=3][color=indigo]I know spring time is here whenever I am able to grow my carnivorous plants in my backyard. I grow like venus fly traps, pitcher plants, sundews, etc. incase you know do or don't know what I am talking about. Just plants that eat bugs for extra nutrition they aren't able to recieve through their low-nutrient soil. Anyway, Texas is too harsh for them in all seasons except for spring and a few can survive the harsh summers. Whenever it is fall or winter I have to grow them in terrariums(empty aquariums) in my room. A very fun hobby in my opinion.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Garamond][size=3][color=#4b0082]I also have a vegetable garden in my backyard that me and my mother work on.[/color][/size][/font]
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Seeing as Hallmark has become my only signal of seasonal change, I like to consume excessive amounts of Easter candy and watch Easter specials on television. I'm also something of a petunia fan, although planting those is a rather unimpressive passtime, comparatively speaking.
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