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[COLOR=Navy]I'll be making another thread by the same title in the Literature forum, as this was originaly a book... well, a series of books.

Anyway, who else has seen this movie? Or perhaps Sci-Fi channel's new version of the movie? The first time I saw the original Dune movie, I fell in love with it. It was just... such a great, nearly legendary movie! I mean, if more people had gotten interested in it, it would have been as big a legend as, say, Star Wars!

Then, sci-fi channel decided that the movie needed soem serious improving (being older than even Star Wars) so they made their own version (witch is probably a lot truer to the books). Sci-fi's version was actualy very, very long, and was shown in hour long segments over the course of a week I believe.

One thing you must understand about Dune... it is not just a good movie, it is a [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]way of life![/COLOR]

[COLOR=Orange]Behold my crys-knife! The mighty Weirding-Module! BEHOLD THE LEGENDARY SAND WORM!!!!![/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]I was just talking to a friend about Dune...I haven't seen the whole movie yet (sci-fi version) but I did read the book. Twas amazing...have you read it? I really like the book, but the movie...I guess I'll need to see all of it before I judge whether I like it better than the book. ^^[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=silver]I liked both the book and the movie, but after the second or third Dune book, they get pretty crappy, or so I'm told. Maybe not. In any case, I like the sci-fi channel version better simply because it has better special effects and such. It's hard to understand the movie unless you've read the first three books, because it kind of jumps right in at the end of Dune: Messiah. Over all, I thought Children of Dune followed the storyline almost flawlessly, including almost all of the details of the book.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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