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battle of the mechs


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ok, ok. heres perhaps one of the most well-discussed anime questions (at least in my mind)

which mech is the best/would win in a big-*** fight?

please vote and tell me your thoughts on this

(i'm including bio-mechs as well such as guyver, and the eva)
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I don't know that this thread is poised to attract the kind of responses we usually look for. We do already have a "best Gundam" (or something like that) topic, for whatever it's worth, and I believe there was a pretty interesting Gundam vs. Eva thread floating around here a couple of months back. We've been pretty lenient about versus topics lately, as a matter of fact... yet much like "favorites" threads, they run the risk of getting closed pretty quickly unless they demonstrate a lot of creativity or thoughtfulness. The idea itself isn't inherently flawed or anything, but with something like this what frequently happens is that people reply to the thread with a "hit and run" type of approach, posting the name of their favorite mecha and little more.

I'd definitely be open to a broader or more in-depth discussion/comparison of (non-Gundam, as we sort of already have that covered) mecha anime. Given what I've seen in the past, though, I'm a little leery of topics restricted solely to answering the question of which machine would win in a fight. And all too often what happens is that it turns into a popularity contest, with members supporting the mecha from the series they personally like best, not the ones which would in actuality be most powerful.

Anyway, feel free to private message me or one of the other moderators if you have questions or concerns. Thanks!

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