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New Avatar/Banner Please for Kairi:)


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Hey everyone...if you'd like...can you make me a new avatar and banner for me please...me gonna make a little change for my look:) The two dont have to look the same...variations would be nice...i may use one...both..or a combinatino from multiple peoples works.

The pictures belows in the attachments are what I'd like to be used. Faded appearance of the man would be cool...but not necessary...and the ''eyes'' were a cool background I thought...but again; not necessary...use whatever you'd like. Just make it cool and ....smooth.

You have a choice of phrases as well to include in the banner.
''Live free...die well...''
"Every man dies...not every man really lives...''
"It's not until we've lost everything...till we are free to do anything."
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."
"I don't give them hell...I just tell them the truth and they think it's hell.''

Other than that...go all out. Use colors like red, grey, white and black to match Kairi's look (the guy in the pictures name:) dude from street fighter and my nickname in real life). Enjoy:)

PM me or write on here if you have any questions...much appreciated for looking at this for me...later.
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Meh, it's not that good, hope you like it though.



[b]EDIT[/b]: Done.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]I gave it a try...this banner didn't give me the creeps while I worked on it, either...;)



Hope those work for ya.[/COLOR]
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wow...these are coming out better than I had hoped for:)
And Ozy:)....im glad that this one didn't scare you so:) and thank you Reise as well (can't remember new name...got lazy)

Lets see how others may do...cause i honestly can't decide:)
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[SIZE=1]Meh. Here it is. I'm afraid I used [i]brushes[/i], so it isn't really my skills. I just splashed them on. Use it if you like... I was gunning for a grungy-ish feel.

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