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Anime that use to come on Toonami and Adult Swim in the past?


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To everyone out there who watched anime. Do you know the animes that came on Toonami and Adult swim in the past? Tell the title of the anime and give a description about the anime for those who never heard of or seen that anime. Also tell if you like the anime or dislike the anime and why. Last tell if that anime was on Toonami or Adult Swim.

Here are a few to get you guy started:
Sailor Moon[/B] is about an ordinary 8th grade girl named Serena, who one day finds a talking cat named Luna.[/spoiler] Luna gives Serena a magical brooch(big pin) that transforms Serena to Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon fights the forces of evil with the other Sailor Scouts(Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupter).[spoiler] I like this anime because it is funny, alot of crime fighting against the forces of evil, and show you friendship. I dislike about this anime was that they change the voice of Serena alot in the english verson. Sailor Moon use to come on Toonami.

[B]Tenchi[/B] is about an ordinary boy who has 6 girls[/spoiler](Ryoko,Ayaka,Sasame,Kione,Mihoshi, and Washu) living with him in his house. Ryoko is a space pirate, Ayaka and Sasame are princesses of alien planet, Kione and Mihoshi are Galaxy police who were suppose to cature Ryoko, and Washu is a Mad Scienist and Ryoko's mother.[spoiler] All 6 girls compete against each other to win Tenchi's heart, but they're still friends. Also Tenchi fights alot of bad guys throughout the show. I really like this anime because it is funny, the interesting fights with the different bad guys, and how the 6 girls compete for Tenchi's heart. Tenchi use to come on Toonami and Adult swim.

Cardcaptors[/B] is about an ordinary 10 year old girl, who one day finds a magical book in her basement. When she open the magical book she release all of the magical cards. Now she has to become the Cardcaptor to collect all the missing cards before the cards destroy the world. I really like this anime because it is really funny, and it interesting to see how she collects the different cards. Cardcaptors use to come on Toonami.
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A little while ago you created a topic very similar to this one. Solo merged it with the thread found [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45457&page=3][u]here[/u][/url], which is still an active discussion and basically covers the same ground as your post. So feel free to post there if you'd like to explore the subject further. Thanks!

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