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What anime do you think has the best visuals?

Guest Alchemist

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Guest Alchemist
I think that the Ghost in the Shell series has the best visual. It is flawless in detail to everyday type objects. What anime do you think posses the best visuals?
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Guest malganis
me i am more in to the single drawings that meny people creat and i like findeing the really good ones. I do think that meny anime shows have good visuals but i like drawings and comics better:D
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[quote name='DeathBug']Furi Kuri blew my mind in terms of visuals for a TV series. The animation quality was high, and consistant from episode to episode.[/quote]
That's because it wasn't originally a TV series, but rather an OVA. ;)

Which is one of the reasons I'd like the original poster to clarify whether he's talking about television series or about anime in general. Because obviously there are considerations of budget & length to keep in mind--for example, Stand Alone Complex looks great for a 52-episode TV show, but it certainly wouldn't make for a very impressive movie. Similarly, the R.O.D OVA's action sequences are more fluid and lavish than those of the corresponding TV anime.

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Either the animatrix (each one of them) or one of Miyazaki's films (excuze mi speling(get it(corny(too may parenthesis(did I spell that right))))).

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please try and add a little more detail to your posts in future; perhaps explaining why it is that you think they have the best visual style or what it is about it that you like, etc. Posts that are too short or off-topic will be deleted as spam. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]^ Oh yes, the film shorts from Animatrix looked really good.

[i]Program [/i] had to be the most beautifully rendered of the nine. Vivid colors, excellent shading and amazing use of contrast (wins the "Biggest Rendered Temple Rooftop" award).

[i]A Detective Story[/i] should also be mentioned for its fluid animation (heard that its animators also did [i]Cowboy Bebop: Knockin on Heaven's Door[/i], news that may very well explain the well-choreographed, albeit few, action sequences). [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I'd have to agree that stand alone complex looks amazing in terms of such long running anime. FLCL was beautiful visually (even though it wasnt one of my favorites) and i also have to say I'm impressed by how well cowboy bebop is done and its ability to convey moods through its visuals the colors etc rly set the tones for the episodes (darker for Real folk blues obviously, and lighter/funner for mushroom samba) of course other anime do these things well as well but these are the standouts in my mind for the moment im sure more will come the second i post this and ill be extremely frustrated at my thoughtlessness but too lazy to repost them oh well here goes nothing.....
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Well, if we're talking about television series, absolutely nothing (Stand Alone Complex included!) can compare to AIR TV. It's gorgeous, and not just in terms of animation--its character designs, its artwork and its use of color are all breath-taking. Even the more ordinary-looking episodes, such as episode 10, are far above the level of an regular TV anime. And while watching the Summer Arc, I pretty much sat there slack-jawed in amazement--it perfectly combined meticulously drawn backgrounds with lavish animation.

Suffice it to say that Kyoto Animation is single-handedly setting new standards for the industry.

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[quote name='Sepiroth']I think that the Ghost in the Shell series has the best visual. It is flawless in detail to everyday type objects. What anime do you think posses the best visuals?[/quote]

i think samurai champloo has the best visual s in my opinion. because the animation is so smooth when theres a fight scene between the main characters .ghost in the shell has nice visuals too
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Guest Augurian
I really liked the soft style of Chobits... I know it isn't sharp & clear, but I think the style suits the series very well.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Cowboy Bebop...

I just love how the background looks. Ganymede looked very nice with the floating islands and spores falling. I believe that the fighting scenes were also pretty cool. But even the detail on the characters, Vicious and Spike were very well drawn.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Augurian']I really liked the soft style of Chobits... I know it isn't sharp & clear, but I think the style suits the series very well.[/quote]

[CENTER][B][COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]I agree! Chobits is one of my favorite animes artistically as well as quality of the story. Anything by CLAMP really is quite good visually.

Though I don't nesesarily like the Trigun storyline, I do believe the artwork is quite exquisite, though it's not exactly as true to life as many others.

Alright, next I'd say probably Naruto, due merely to how well it fits. It isn't all that consistant, though, as time goes on.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[color=indigo]I have only seen one episode thus far, so perhaps it's not a basis to judge, but what I saw of [i]Samurai 7[/i] was simply beautiful.

I'd like to add that if you're looking for something other than the traditional "best visuals," both [i]Tamala[/i] and [i]Metropolis[/i] are interesting to look at. Rather unique given the current anime style, I thought. Metropolis was made recenty with Astroboy-esque characters, and Tamala's simply [i]full[/i] of crazy animation things (and mostly done in "superflat" black and white, giving the odd impression of a twisted Felix cartoon).[/color]
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Guest Redfield
Ghost in the Shell,Stand alone complex,Wolves rain,or cowboy bebop.

Bebop is a little oldschool as of right now(in japan anyway) so the visuals are the ebst for the time it was realesed

wolves rain(even though i can't stand it)has some pretty good visuals as well

GITS stand alone complex is one of,if not the best.The art work,and the graphics are 100% perfect.Not a single flaw that any normal person except for the auther can point out.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I'm gonna say Furi Kuri was one of the best anime visually because of how many types of art it used. It had CG animation at one point, manga art, and even South Park style! Also, the artwork itself was beautiful. The variety it had was really amazing to watch.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=blue]For me, my pet peeve is animation over all. I don't know how many of you played games as the jump from 30 FPS to 60 FPS was being made, but it [B]really[/B] made a difference! Even if the graphics were exactly the same between two games, if the frame rate was 60, it was just a wonder to watch. There's something about movement that makes my eyes tingle. ^^;

That being said, I'd probably put Ghibli films on the top of my list. I'm not fond of the character designs, mind you, but I do love the detail and "life" of movement. I think, if you can, go out and see/play a 30 FPS game, and then see/play a 60 FPS. Ghibli films do that and more.

On the other hand, my objective mind, based on just artwork, would go to Last Exile. While it may not be the most beautiful what with it's use of boring colors, it is definately the most... "comprehensive" anime I've seen. That is, they added the right things, colored them the right way, and put everything together in just the right fashion to create a very involving atmosphere.

Yeah, and while I usually don't agree with the moron, Ask John! on AnimeNation actually has something worth reading this time about this topic. O_o[/COLOR]
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most of the anime that Gainex produces have exelent quality, and i am quite partial to FLCL like some of the ppl here. the best overall visuals i have seen so far would be stand alone complex, even though i dont care for the show. the best animation instances for me would be the fight scenes in rurouni kenshin when he was fighting Saito Hajime an a building of some kind(i think episodes 29-30), and when kenshin fought shishio's student. i dont know if they upped the frame rate there, but it looked freakin cool!
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I'd Have to Say 'Kanon' by KEY animations was one of the most breath taking animes Ive ever seen, Visuals wise and Story wise. :) It was based off of a hentai dating sim for the Dreamcast, but there is no hentai in the anime. And the characters are just so damn adorable!
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This series has very good visuals. I personally enjoy the darker settings and most of the character designs are very good. also the backrounds are very very well done. In the last few episodes the visuals are stunning and i personaly like its visuals the best.
If it was not for Texhnolyze's dark setting I believe the best visuals would be from Haibane Renmei. Almost everything in that anime looks beautiful the only drawback I felt was some of the costumes in the series. though they were drawn well they were not particularly good looking.
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[quote name='marking time']This series has very good visuals. I personally enjoy the darker settings and most of the character designs are very good. also the backrounds are very very well done. In the last few episodes the visuals are stunning and i personaly like its visuals the best.[/quote]
Yeah, Texhnolyze is one amazing-looking anime. In the final arc, the [spoiler]surface world[/spoiler] was stunningly vibrant, colorful and surreal; the contrast was particularly noticeable after watching so many episodes set in the dark and gritty city of Lukuss. Throughout the series, the backgrounds were lovingly rendered and packed with detail. And the character designs were complemented by smooth, careful animation. I can honestly say that I started buying Texhnolyze solely on the strength of its visuals (although obviously it does have interesting characters and a strong plot).

[quote name='KlonoaWahoo']I'd Have to Say 'Kanon' by KEY animations was one of the most breath taking animes Ive ever seen, Visuals wise and Story wise.[/quote]
Kanon? Are you sure you didn't mean to type AIR? :animesmil

I never really got into Kanon, but I saw enough of it to realize that animation and artwork aren't exactly its biggest strengths. The character designs take some getting used to--to phrase it diplomatically--and it obviously didn't have a very large budget. I'm not saying Kanon looks terrible or anything, but it's hard to deny that there are much better anime (visually speaking, of course) out there.

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