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Renaissance Food

Miss Pikachu

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I'm doing a project on Renaissance food, but I need more info.
If anyone can help me, send the info to me or to Sanada.
My Otaku account name is the same as my OB name, and my SN is [email]Niknakk@aol.com[/email].
Just private message Sanada if you can't get me.
Any and all help will be greatly appriciated.

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[COLOR=blue]The kings ate like... kings. Cooking for them was a 24 hour job: after one meal was prepared, all time was spent preparing the next meal.

There were various experts and apprentices in the king's kitchen. The newest apprentice would always be assigned the worst job: roasting the meat over the flame. The furnace wasn't your typical furnace. Rather, it was huge and the flame was usually about five feet (I'm not sure about this sentence - it was just bigger than usual).

What was bad about roasting was that you had maybe 20 whole pieces of meat, and maybe five at most on one stick. The apprentice would have to stand so close to the fire and rotate these things to perfection. Lots of stress from the fire, and a lot of strain from rotating such heavy things.

That's all I know. Hope that helps.[/COLOR]
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That being said, I very much doubt anyone here has much information for you. Using Sanada as an example, most help you would receive would simply be people linking you to sites that you could easily fing yourself

My suggestion: Go to your local library and ask the refernce desk for help there. Those people are [i]amazing[/i].

And as an aside, when citing references, "This one guy with blue font at an anime message board" just doesn't sound very credible. ^_~

If anyone [i]does[/i] have useful information for you, after seeing this thread, I am sure they will feel free to contact you. I do not, however, see a reason to keep it open.[/color]
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