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Does Pacifism work?


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[size=1]You see, Jordan, Pacifism is all well and good for a Christian to believe in. Christ pretty much lays it out for everyone that you shouldn't draw your weapon even in self-defense.

However, Christ told Peter to put down his sword, because Christ knew that He and only He would be killed by the Romans. The reason why any leader of a country cannot be a Pacifist is because of the fact [i]they hold the lives of their citizens in their hands[/i]. Whatever decision they make -- to fight in defense, or to be lambs to the slaughter -- rests in their hands.

Pacifism is a person decision, and cannot be imposed unto people as would be the case if the President were to adopt that philosophy. It's foolish to do so -- not only would it be condemning your citizens to death, but it would also do so without their consent.

The way the system works now seems to be working alright (more or less, I suppose) -- if you are okay with fighting, you enlist, and ifyou're a consciencious objector, you register yourself as such. But I'm with you on the fact that the war in Iraq isn't justified.[/size]
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Question is about the success of Pacifism?

To answer that question, we need to ask ourselves another one: Has there ever been a true success of Pacifism? Looking back throughout history...at the very few instances where military action had been averted...was it ever actual Pacifism?

I can't even recall recorded history where Pacifism was ever mentioned in the same sentence as "victory," apart from in some historical ideologic propaganda.

Seems to me that the two best examples as they relate to this topic are World War II and the Cold War. Everything else before those two events...didn't exactly have anything to do with Pacifism. American Revolution, French Revolution, various wars during the formative years of early post-Colonial America...yeah.

The major ideology in America at the "start" of WWII was one of Isolationism. They were going to remain neutral throughout the conflict, although American ideals clearly disagreed with the Nazi's "Aryan Nation" or the totalitarian regime in Japan. But we all know what happened there.

One cannot remain a Pacifist when one is confronted by an aggressor.

If one remains a Pacifist, one will be brutally injured.

So what about the Cold War?

No shots were ever fired because of MAD, pure and simple. The American government did all the right things, of course, but if MAD were not a factor, the outcome may have been radically different.

And Pacifism does not equal MAD.

So...does Pacifism work? I don't know.

Has it ever worked? I don't think so.

Has it ever even been used? Barely, and it didn't do all that well when placed into a realistic context...sort of like Socialism.

Incidentally, Socialism reminds me of why Christ's message is respectable, but ultimately flawed: it's a great idea to be nice to everyone, and spread peace and joy, etc., but most of the time...you've got to be a dick. Same thing with Socialism: good idea, but can't be implemented.
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