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I summited a wallpaper yesterday and its still not under my Portfolio or in the new wallpapers section. I was wondering why. Their was no bad content or anything. Anyways what should I do? Should I wait somemore or resummited or something else. Thanks for the help.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]If you just submitted it yesterday then give it a little more time to go through the approval process. Usually it?s fairly quick, but it can take up to 48 hours for a submission to be approved. I just took a quick look and there are still submissions waiting to be approved. So I would wait on re-submitting it, as one of the ones waiting for approval could be the wallpaper you submitted.[/COLOR]
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Its still not there and I waited the two days. Anyother suggestions? Here is the picture. Does it have something thats bad on it. Cause if it does that could be the problem.
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Image on the left is poor quality. Compare it to the one on the right. You can see there is a difference in the quality of the two. I suggest you redo the image on the left at a higher resolution then there shouldn't be a problem when you re-submit the wallpaper.
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