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Hey Cosplayers!

Guest SaikoUchiha

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Guest SaikoUchiha
Hey Im looking for people that know do or know people that live in Austin and are cosplayers. Im a Cosplayer and I cant find anyone that is a cosplayer that lives here but I know there are hundreds so if you know of someone please let me know how i can contact them if you dont mind. Thankz for your time.
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS]Welcome to OtakuBoards, SaikoUchiha.

I'm closing this thread for a couple of reasons. Firstly, your post quality could use some work: take a look at our [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/php?][u]Rules[/u][/URL] and at other members' posts to see the standard we expect. Secondly, cosplay and other subjects concerning anime should be posted in the Anime Lounge: read the [thread=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Sticky[/u][/thread] to see why, especially the section headed "Not For Anime".

Hopefully once you've read those pages, you won't get any more threads closed. Enjoy your time at the Boards.

[b]Thread closed.[/b][/font]
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