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The Bitter Pill


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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Although I can't really relate to your situation Lunox, I guess I kind of have a weird situation going on right now as well. The past month for me has been tough and this seems like a good place to vent. Some information I'm about to share I have only told to a few people, but for whatever reason I feel comfortable unleashing it upon all of you. Enjoy. ^.^

I have no idea what I want to do with my life, but my graduation is approaching faster and faster and my family, friends, and teachers have been pressuring me to figure out what I want to major in in college. I've already decided to minor in French, only because it would be awesome to finally be able to fluently speak the language after spending four years trying to grasp it in high school. Anyways, for my college of choice, Valparaiso University, we were supposed to send in a payment of $90 and a filled out application for a mandatory freshmen orientation program called FOCUS. Of course I waited until the day before the application was due to turn it in, but low and behold, the day I was going to mail it my dad started having problems and we had to call an ambulance for him.

My dad has had problems for almost the entire year so far. He had lymphoma a few years ago (a type of cancer for those who aren't aware) and last year it decided to creep back up and rear its ugly head again. He went in for chemo treatment and such once again, and everything was looking great until his gallbladder became infected and he had to have it removed surgically. During the surgery the surgeon accidentally sliced a piece of his intestine or something to that effect because everything was so infected, leaving him with a looooad of problems. He spent at least two months in the hospital with about eight tubes coming out of his stomach and pumping him liquids, liquid foods, and little calorie drinks which I forgot the name of. He was finally able to come home with all of the tubes still intact and about a week later he lost half of his blood through one of the tubes while I was mowing the lawn. Luckily my mother, a nurse thank god, was home and able to stabilize him and get me to call an ambulance. An interesting day, none the less.

So basically my dad almost died that day, not just in my house, but also almost at the hospital a few times. He's doing better now, but he's still at the hospital. Anyways, all of that excitement completely made me forget about the fact that I had to turn in the application for the orientation program, so now I'm pretty much screwed. I'm already accepted into the college, I just need to call and straighten things out, hopefully they'll understand. Hopefully.

On a side note, two of my friends have also been accepted to the college with a full paid tuition due to the fact that their families are not exactly on the positive end of the money spectrum. I'm left having to pay a boat load of money still through student loans, while my mom is having a fit because it costs too much. Oh, and my mother's also a raging alcoholic, which does not make the whole situation any easier.

Thanks if you actually read the whole thing, I appreciate it. Also, I love cake.[/FONT]
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