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Frankie5 Angels

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Guest firemac
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Frankie5 Angels [/i]
[B]It can?t get anymore funny then this? Play around with it for a while,it amused me
[url]http://www.toiletduk.net/multimedia/flash/winrg.swf[/url] [/B][/QUOTE]
haha, that stuff is very funny
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Guest firemac
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DiscoSnorlax [/i]
[B]Hey... go here.. it's funny too.. he had too many CCEBs..
(real footage of Steve Balmer, Microsoft CEO)
[url]http://homepage.mac.com/rabowwill/iMovieTheater.html[/url] [/B][/QUOTE]
oh my god, **** quick time and my 56k connection, I have to press play all the time, and each time has like 2 seconds more than the last, so think how long it will take me to see that whoe thing
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Guest firemac
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Frankie5 Angels [/i]
[B]Although I know its probably to late now, it?s not really worth downloading the whole thing. It's just steve balmer going ape ****. [/B][/QUOTE]
you are a little late on the warning, I just spent this past minutes downloading it, and what the hell was the purpose of that crap, I mean why did they put up on the website
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