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Sonic : The Future!!


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The Story...
Sonic and co. have died.Now there is a new enemy and new crystals.They are the Chaos Rubies.

Here's my Profile.
[b]Name:[/b]Princess Amber

[b]Race of Animal:[/b]Hedgehog



[b]Description:[/b]A lightish powder blue colored hedgehog,A double edged sword sheathed, strapped on her back.Edit:And she carries a double ended glaive.

[b]Bio:[/b]She's a tomboy.She's been on the island ever since she was little.now she's about 15.All she remembers is that she has been on the island ever since she can remember.She doesn't even know that she's a princess.The small animals she talks to knows,but they've never told her.

[b]Speciality:[/b]Super fast speed,martial arts,sword skills,good manuver abilities,since she's been on the island ever since little she can talk to the inhabitants.As in small animals.She can call upon any animal to help her.Hyper speed drive(she climbs a tree and launches herself off it in a flip spin and she can fly for short distances.Edit:She also knows how to use her double ended glaive.She knows how to turn it around and use the bottom blade to attack.

Amber walked along the beach.She put her sword and double ended glaive on the sand and ran into the waves.Suddenly Dolphins,Whales and all sorts of marine life swam up to her.She welcomed them all with fond pats and splashes.She grabbed onto a dolphins fin and they glided through the water.All the animals making a large party.She let go of the dolphin and dived.She saw all the fish.They swam around her making a fishy tornado underwater.She rose back to the surface and climbed ontop of a whale.The whale started to blow water out of it's blowhole.Amber jumped on the jet of water and floated there.then she jumped off and walked back to land.The marine animals protested but she said she had to and dried herself.She picked up her glaive and sword and walked away waving.

Amber looked around as she walked along the beach.The marine animals were still following her.She waved fondly.They all made noises.
Then she walked away from the beach waving goodbye until tomorrow.
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"Good"siad Dr.Cat with a smile."Go to...tank mode."Doxto's legs went into the body,accept for its feet,which formed wheels at the bottom.From the body came a cannon."Good!"Dr.Cat was very happy with Doxto."You have past every test accept plane mode,but we haven't got to that one..."Dr.Cat siad,"Lets get a rest."
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"Hmmmmmm, I think it'sssss time to check for disturbancesssss. Normal, normal, normal, what isssss thisssss! Sssssome sssssort of bassssse? I think I'll sssssend a video sssssnake over there." hissed Dr. Venom. He turned on a tiny robotic snake with a video camera, needles, and hover jets and set it off towards the base.

The video snake crept inside. Through it, Dr. Venom could see a grey cat roaming about. Under his orders, the snake poked the cat and took some blood. It set back to Dr. Venom's lab, where he waited eagerly to analyze the DNA.
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Amber walked around and into the forest.Suddenly all the forest animals swarmed around her.Birds,rabbits,tigers,mice al sorts of animals.She petted them and let them climb on her.She jumped up into the trees to play with the monkeys.She swung around with her animal friends following her.Amber climbed up a coconut tree and sliced some coconuts down with her glaive.She kept going and reached bunches of bananas.She cut some and threw them to the monkeys.They jumped on them like ravages.She laughed and cut more.Then she jumped down and said she had to leave.SHe walked out of the forest and up a hill.She was going to visit her good friend Dr. Cat.
She walked in the door."Hi Doc!Still working on Dox??"
"Hey Amber!" the scientist looked up from his work. "Yup.Still haven't checked the plane mode on it." Amber sat down with Dr. Cat.
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Dr.Cat looked at the blue hegehog."Do you want to test plane mode?"he asked.
"Sure."she answer.
"Doxto plane mode!"he siad.Doxto's legs went in it's body.From its armless body came two prairs of wings,formig a x.Amber and Dr.Cat jumped in.The were flying in the air,seeing many islands.Then somthing happen.
"OH NO!"Dr.Cat siad.
"What?"Amber asked.
"The power crystal gave up."he answered.
They dived into a island.When they woke up they saw a blue echidna.
"I'm Max."he said.
"I'm Amber."Amber said
"I'm Dr.Cat."Dr.Cat said.
They heard a noise.
"The crystals!"Max said.
When they went outside of the hut they saw a black snake.
"I'll be taking these!"he said.The they saw him jump in a black like verson of Doxto.
"No."Max said.
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"You're not taking them Venom!!" shouted Amber.
She whistled and all her animal frineds came to her aid.She pointed at Venom.They were fierce little animals.Their beaks,claws,teeth and other pointy parts jabbed him.Amber let out a series of noises and some monkeys went up to it and took the crystal and returned.She smiled and petted it,taking the crystal from him.
"So Max tell us a bit more about yourself!" said Amber kindly.
He told them about him being an ancestor of Knuckles and that he's supposed to take care of the Chaos Rubies.She heard it and decided that Max should have the crystal.She handed it over.Max thanked her and the three of them walked off together with Cat in Doxto.
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"Stinky animals! Got to hate them!" Dr. Venom flew off in his newly built Dark-Doxto, created from the memory of Dr. Cat. He puzzled and puzzled. How had Amber know his name?

Dr. Venom walked back in to his mansion. He brought out some bacon and water, ready to have dinner. As he walked to the dining table, he looked at the shrine of his parents. It was full of paintings he had created by memory. Suddenly, he dropped his plate and doubled over in pain. "Get out of my head! Get out!" he cried. Dr. Quiver's personality took over with a grimace.
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Little did Dr.Venom know that he was being watched. "He is trying to get them too."The eight limbed figure was watching him through the one of his statues being careful not to be seen yet."His know how could help me in my plan."Hahahahahahahahah!" It is only a matter of time mother!"
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Just then Roket barges in with a grisp on his staff tightly. "THERE COMING!!"

Amber: Who!?
Dr.Cat: What!?
Max: They've come for my rubies!:flaming: Let's kick some...
Roket: Robot..
Max: Let's kick some robot but!

Robots of everykind come bursting in through through every single entrance...
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Amber looked at their surroundings.She whistled and the animals came again.They understood and started clawing on the robots.Blinding them by covering their eyes and playing with wiring.
Amber twirled her glaive and lunged at the robots.
She made a series of swipes in a kind of dance.After she had put a few cuts into a robot she plunged the glaive through it's stomach.She jumped away as the robot fell and lunged for the next.The animals hung onto her and changed robots whenever she did.
Amber saw the others fighting as well.Roket was doing well with his staff and Max was attacking with his and so was Dr Cat.
Amber saw a robot grab the pouch that Max had the crystals in and charged at it.She ran up to it and sliced it's head off.
Max caught the pouch and thanked Amber as they went back to destroying the robots.
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"HaHaHaHa!!!!!!!!!"a evil voice came in the hut.
"Dr.Venom..."Dr.Cat felt a large large animal wrap around him.
Doxto in tank mode attacked the animal,and a large snake fell to the floor.Dr.Cat's claws came from his paws.He attacked Dr.Venom.He felt a sharp pain in his back.He felt energy being drain.He wraped his tail around the animals leg, and triped it.Dr.Cat punched Dr.Venom in the face,leaving a brush.
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Roket turned around just in time to see Dr.Cat and Dr.Venom fighting, he signaled to Max. Max knew what he had to do, just would he be able to do it, did he even no how? Max twirled up into the air and with his claws pointed at Venom he dove right into him...
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Guest Kumomaru
Just then Kumomaru comes bursting through the doors. Katana in his hand he quikly cut through Dr.Venom.
"What a novice!"Says Kumo
Then sudenly Dr.Venom regenarates and blasts Kumomaru with an energy beam, He is just about to smash trough the wall but he disapeares into thin air!
"Stealth Camoflauge!" Says Venom in astoundment.
Venom fell to pieces
"What about Max?" says Rocket in desperation.
"Ooops!"says Kumo Suddenly Venom regenartates with D.j decks and Massive amplifiers that shake the ground.
Thers a Flash!
And then kumomaru has D.j Decks and Amps
The Battle of the D.js is about to commence the winner is deturmind by how many people dance to the Mix. Kumomaru is gonna have to try and not let Venom hipnotise everyone with his Death Mix.
"Lets Rave" Says Kumo with confidence.
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Just when the Rave was about to commence, someone pulled the plug! Kumo and the others looked at the Tarantula with a huge sword."Why did you do that!, can't you see were doing something important?!"Kumo said.
"I thought that warriors like yourselves would have something better to do than have dance contest." Xavier said with sarcasism.
"Those rubies are mine!" ,"Prepare for battle!". The others grabbed their weapons. Xavier lunged at them! " I shall not looooose!"
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Guest Kumomaru
Kumomarus Katana suddenly apeared in his hand.
"I dont need electricity to fuel my raves!" Shouts Kumo furiously
With that a beam of light shoots from his hand and the music is turned back on. Now the battle with Xaviear has begun!
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Guest Kumomaru
Xavier is heading strait for Kumomaru with the Chaos Rubies but Kumo qiukly dodges it and slices off his arm.
"My Arm!"Cries Xaviear
Then Kumo turns on the stealth camo and disapears with the rubies.
Is Kumomaru the real baddie or is it just an elusion?
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Little did Kumo know that the Xavier he sliced was just an image due to his agility. "I won't make that mistake again." " That Kumo is starting to be a pain, raves, yeah right!" Xavier ran after them!
"Those rubies are mine, I'll ram Kumo's sword through his pathetic heart!"
Kumo was heading through the forest, just as he turned his head to see if he was followed, WHAMMM!!!!!!!!! He was stuck in a huge web.
What is this gunk? He said with digust. " Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly." Kumo started struggling as Xavier stuck his fangs in and drained his energy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Kumo fainted!
"Idiot" said Xavier as he walked off with the rubies.
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Xavier wasn't done with Kumo.With Kumos sword,Xavier sucked it in his heart.Amber,Dr.Cat,Max,and Rocket wached as Kumo died.
"Dr.Venom and Xavier have the rubies."Max said.
"I know what we are going to do."said Amber,"We are going to get the rubies back!"
"A jorney!"Dr.Cat said.
"OK!!!!!!!!!"the group said togther.They set off.
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"I can' believe he d-did that!" Amber said with horror." He is a monster! " Don't worry " Dr.cat said, " We could bring him back with the rubies." Dr.Cat explained the rubies' powers as the began to follow the two villians.

Meanwhile, Dr.venom and Xavier were at the arachnid kingdom ruins. "Who are you and why did you help me?" Dr. Venom asked." My Identity will be reaveled in due time, but know I have to prepare for the oncoming battle with those pathetic excuses for warriors." Xavier said. " If I were you I would go back to your mansion, take four of the rubies and I'll take the other three."
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At the mansion, Dr. Venom opened up the painting of Dr. Quiver. Behind it, there was a panel of numbers. He punched in the code (8, 6,1,3), opening up a secret passageway behind the grandfather clock. He slithered in, admiring his lab. He walked down the stairs and sat himself at the safe. He put the Chaos Rubies inside and closed the door. Walking up to a giant moniter, Dr. Venom turned it on. He had put some of his Snake Buggers on Amber, Dr. Cat, and Max, and he started to listen.
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