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Yu-Gi-Oh Poll: Dealing with Face-Downs


What is the best way to deal with face-down monsters?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the best way to deal with face-down monsters?

    • Standard Monster Removal (Raigeki, etc)
    • Nobleman of Crossout
    • Acid Trap Hole
    • Ceasefire
    • Shadow of Eyes
    • Light of Intervention
    • Bombardment Beetle
    • The Stern Mystic
    • Patrol Robot

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So, tell me, what is your favorite way to deal with face-down cards? I did not put cards like Stop Defense or Swords of revealing Light since they do not really deal with the issue.

My favorite has to be the simple, yet efficient Shadow of Eyes. A truely underrated card.
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I like Nobleman of Crossout, but it does annoy me that you have to remove any others of the same monster you have in your deck from play. It's not so bad near the end and you've used them already, but if it's near the beginning it can put you at a disadvantage.

Shadow of Eyes is a very good one. If your opponent has a Man-eater Bug down there and you attack it, you can do a heck of a lot of damage. As someone did to me not so long ago ^_^;

Bombardment Beetle and the Stern Mystic don't do very much, so i don;t use them. After all, if it isn't an effect monster that's face-down, Bombardment Beetle does nothing and just sits on your field with very little attack or defence power. At least the Stern Mystic has a half-decent Level 4 ATK.
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I recently happened to play someone with an insect deck that used BB against me. Two things are to be said about it: Fewer non-effect monsters are being played in this game. (one of the few being Gemini Elf) and who plays non-effect monsters face-down?
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Things like Labyrinth Wall I keep face-down, but meh. That's true, though. Effect cards are the ones mostly laid face-down, but you never know.

But what gets me is thet BB's effect is a flip effect anyway. So by the time you've laid down BB, the other player could have flipped their Effect monster and that would render BB not very helpful. So... I don't know. I guess it could be useful if you're up against someone with a lot of Man-Eater Bugs, Hane-Hanes or whatever, but it just doesn't appeal to me very much.
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I like Light of Intervention. It prevents flip efects from working by preventing monsters from being played face-down. It also prevents you from loseing life points by attacking a face-down monsetr that turns out to have a higher defense than your monster's attack. Just don't put many flip effect monsters in your deck if you plan to use this card.
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Guest Altron Gundam
Try Royal Command(j. Imperial Command). It negates all reverse effects. However, I'd just use Holy Radience(e. Light of Intervention) then. So my choice is Light of Inter.
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me Cease fire your openat takes damage not from just he monsters flipped the effect monsters just sitting there add to it as well.
Shadow of eyes works only when your oppenat sets a monster ceasefire works whenevever
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Ceasefire is best used when the opponent try to swarm you, or after a Cyber Jar was just flipped. 2500 dammage minimum easy AND he ain't using that Penguin Soldier hes has face-down...
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