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Don't Like it.......Oh Well


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This little speech/poem was written for all the people at my school who make fun of me and cut me down because of how I sing.

No matter how hard you try you can never bring me down.
I'm loud and I'm proud, if you don't like it, thats fine with me.....
But when (yes WHEN [U]not[/U] IF) I become a famous singer (because I'm bound and detemined) you'll wish you were just a little nicer.
You make comments about my voice whenever I get a solo part or win the school talent show. But even if I lose I'll say "maybe later", congratulate the winner and go on with my life. I don't need a trophy or money to tell me I sing good. All I need is my friends and family supporting me. Also remember, whatever goes around comes around so watch OUT!!!

Tell me what you think of it.:D
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Yeah I want to be a singer, but the popular kids at school make fun of me because I do sing. But my friends don't laugh at me for wanting to be a singer, they all just tell me "go be one, you can do it"

But if you do want to be a singer go for it. If you want to be a singer badly enough you shouldn't care what people say about you or your voice. Thats why I wrote this little speech/poem. :D
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I'm pretty sure no one from my school comes here, But I put it up just because I wanted to. Also to tell people if you want to become something famous don't let others comments stop you.
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