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Problems with downloading Anime

Guest Melondar

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Guest Melondar
Since Outlaw Star doesn't air on TV in North America anymore, I decided to download the series from kazaa, so I could watch it. I downloaded most of the episodes just fine, but now whenever I try to watch any of them, the video always lags way behind the audio, it's a full minute behind by the time the opening song finishes. Does anyone know of any way at all to fix this? Thanks
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That tend sto happen with DivX files. Because DivX files are basically sperate audio and visual tracks placed together, and sometimes if the video messes up, the audio continues and thus either the video falls behind or the audio does. You can fix this sometimes by just skipping forward a few seconds and see if it lines back up.

If that doesn't work, you may want to try the program called "Div-Fix"


Hope that helps. If not, then there's nothing you can do. It also may be your computer. It may not be fast enough to run those files. Video files take up alot of RAM and usage, so make sure you're up to date on that as well as players, Real One, Windows Media Player, and the codecs for DivX, Xvid, and the various others.
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