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How Was Prom???

Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Hello....Now, since prom is usually directed towards high school students *looks around* how was it? I'm still in the 8th grade now, so I don't know very much about proms. I just hope mine turns out ok.
Anyway, prom night here in Houston was just this Friday. I'm assuming it was the same for most everyone else in the US! Hope whoever went had fun![/color][/b]
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I am in the 8th grade too. My prom won`t be until June 18th and I think that goes for a lot of people from New York City. I had a promin fifth grade though. It was pretty boring but I am hoping that my 8th grade prom will be more exciting or else I`ll be mad that I spent so much on a dress and a limo.
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We haven't had out prom yet...I'm not going, for a multitude of reasons.
1. The girl I would take is already "taken"
2. I've conviced myself that this is now an anti-establishent, anti-high school statement, sorrta like protesting Republicans
3. I have no one else to take...
4. It's expensive and I would rather enjoy some tennis lessons (tickets are $100, tux $60, dinner $40, gas $5, flowers $20) (explicit cost>implicit, negative utils, go AP Micro!)
5. I'm an Atheist, boy is it hard to find a nonreligious person who I can hold a conversation with
6. AP tests anyone?
7. (Insert more lame answers here)...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Change [/i]
[B]We haven't had out prom yet...I'm not going, for a multitude of reasons.
1. The girl I would take is already "taken"
2. I've conviced myself that this is now an anti-establishent, anti-high school statement, sorrta like protesting Republicans
3. I have no one else to take...
4. It's expensive and I would rather enjoy some tennis lessons (tickets are $100, tux $60, dinner $40, gas $5, flowers $20) (explicit cost>implicit, negative utils, go AP Micro!)
5. I'm an Atheist, boy is it hard to find a nonreligious person who I can hold a conversation with
6. AP tests anyone?
7. (Insert more lame answers here)... [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink][b]That sounds like fun....
But hey, I have a religion (sort of...we don't really celebrate it, though). I know a LOT of girls that are religious and can talk to a non-religious person...one of them is me. I know for a fact unless you have the IQ of a carrot that you can carry on a conversation with any cute guy. ;)[/color][/b]
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