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*For the record*

Youko Minamino

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I see a lot of people write the "Dragon Ball" in Dragon Ball/Z/GT as one word, but for the record Dragon Ball is two seperate words, as seen on the original Manga covers. Each volume from Gokuu meeting Buruma to the arrival of Uubu reads "Dragon Ball" with a huge space inbetween the words. Since the manga is the most official thing next to Toriyama-San flat out saying something, than "Dragon Ball Z"(and etc.) would be the correct way to write it. Just a pet peeve.
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[size=1]Well, thank you for clearing that up. I ma pretty sure the confusion about whethere there is a space or not come from the Dragon Ball Z/GT logo itself. The words "Dragon Ball" are crammed together to look like one word. Not everyone has read the manga and such, so not everyoneis going to know if there is a space or not... and really, uit should not even be that big of a deal unless there was something entirely different with the name "DragonBall". Then I could see actually getting irritated by confusing them.

So since you have made your point, and it is just a notice rather than an actual topic for discussion I am going to close this. Nothing against you.[/size]
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