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High School Stereotyping

Guest Altron Gundam

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Guest Crimson Spider
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Star I Am Not [/i]

That should give you some insight on what I feel on the subject. [/B][/QUOTE]

So... would that make you a "not-caring" person, or more of a maverick?

Well, my classification of "Nerd" is basically someone who is smart, physically weak in many areas, and usually considered dorky, or an outcast just for their intellegence.

A geek is someone who devotes much of thier time to something useless, such as comic-books and videogames, and usually only have great knowledge in this area, and may or may not lack in others.
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Maverick? Yes, you could say that. I'm more of a mishmash of lots of the usual sterotypes... goths, nerds, computer geek, that weird quiet kid in the middle row, the person who sits alone at lunch and refuses to let someone sit next to her on the bus... I will never never be the preppie or the popular, though. Unless it somehow becomes "cool" to be overweight, have short floofy black hair, never talk and think faded black jeans go with everything.


General classification of the people in my school:

Smart Girls. That about sums them up. These are the handful of girls who appear on the honor roll without fail, are perfectly groomed, volunteer for everything and all the rest. They excel in EVERYTHING. I jest you not. Name the subject, and she's gotten all A's in it. These are also the nicest people in the school.

Pretty Airheads. Not necessarily blonde, and they aren't all idiots, academics-wise. They walk around in cliques, keep at least three kinds of lip gloss around with them at ALL times, and are popular. They can be nicefriendlynice or complete jerks. It depends.

Sk4t3r b0iz. Ugh. Trash-talkers, punks, troublemakers, the guys who showed up on the grade 8 graduation day with a mohican and pants so baggy they might as well have been giant diapers. No, the knowledge of what kind of patterned boxers you're wearing today is not knowledge that I want or need, thankyouverymuch.

Weird Guys. The wannabe sk4t3r b0iz. These fellows are usually perverts. And break out the hair gel! Some of these people's hair remind me of Sonic the Hedgehog on a bad spike day. They swear like crazy and cause some mayhem, but not as much as the sk4t3r b0iz. It's strange, though, how these guys can be pretty neat people to talk to. That sets them apart as well, I guess.

Those People Over There. The okay people. Not particularly idiotic or skilled in obvious ways. Nice people, generally. They still travel in packs.

And then there's people like me, who don't fit anywhere else. No real classification for us. We can be smart, or punky, or friendly, but only to an extent. (There aren't a lot of geeky nerdy kids in my school, come to think of it.) The thing distinguishing us from Those Peole Over There is that we're "weird" is some way or other, and we aren't "normal". Usually these misfits form their own packs so they can have the social status of actual belonging somewhere. Then there's the few who wander around aimlessly during recess and lunch, alone.

That's about it. :whoops:
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We got a few groups going around at school, I'll list them.

[b]"The Boys"[/b] - most kids call this group by that name. When they do, everyone knows who they're talking about. They're the popular ones, the jocks, babes, the supposedly cool ones. This group is actually quite large, nearly half of my year is in it. The name doesn't really fit as there are girls in the group to.

[b]"The Fuckheads"[/b] - not a very nice name, but you get the idea. They're the nerds, geeks, whatever you want to call them.

[b]"Normals"[/b] - The in-betweens. The kids that are cool, not cool, faggots, mad, average, over the top, under the line, under-rated, etc.. They don't really fit into a group. I know some great friends in this group, though the other half are all idiots if you ask me.

As you can see, there isn't [i]that[/i] much groups at school. Though the stereotyping views add up to be severe. Hell, the groups even have names.. I fit between "The Dudes" and the "Normals".. really, no group name at all, but I'm there. We're looked up upon more then looked down upon. Which is good, I suppose, the way my school goes. If I was slim and athletic, I'd be up higher. Though seeing as I'm a "big fella" (not fat at all, just got a big build on me), I'm where I am. It's a shame the stereotypes around here go very much on the way you look.
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, I go to a school with 1000 people in it... apparently that's not much. It's a hick school, expensive boarding type, that attracts all the country people, you know... the pigshooters... So, anyway. The majority is that type, and then there are about twenty other people, who are completely insane. That's the group I belong to, and I consider myself an elite in that group. As I see this group every day, and quite a few of them populate this forum, I may get kicked tomorrow but we'll just see how it goes...

...Downlands. It's [b]US[/b] against [b]THEM[/b]. Every now and then some of them come down to stare at us, and pay out the Harlequin for being such a god, but apart from that, they stay up there in the school, and we stay down in the miniture forest in the front of our school. Where it's dark.

They call us the Lawnies, due to the fact that we are on a Lawn. No, we don't call them the Cementies, although that would be rather amusing... we call them the A crowders. Occasionally the Hicks. But some would argue they are a different group... I don't care, they all give me the same scathing look (because I'm better than they are) so they are the same to me. [/color][/font]
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I don't wanna say all tha groops in my skool but I'ma just say what i is.
I'm da quiet type but people always come up to me to talk. I just dat likable guy everyone can talk to. I'm just friends wit everybody (Geeks, Preps, Jocks, Goths, Popular ones, ect.) they all cool to me.
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Guest Fiasco
Well basically, when peopole see me, they say goth. Haha, although I never wear any of the clothing to "represent" goth, I just like dark colors. Reason being because I get light colors waaay too dirty. And when people listen to my so called "death metal" [Dillinger Escape Plan and skycamefalling is death metal, right.] they put me in that category. The school that I used to go to was so stereotypical. I was popular, I mean, I knew everyone and they kissed my feet. Then they listened to my music and things of that sort, POOF, no more, I became a freak with the rest of my friends, whom I might add were much better friends then the popular kids. And when I'm at the mall now, SOMEONE that I know will come up to me and say, "I saw you at the mall, you were crowded by people all wearing black." Then I'd have to say "Yeah, they are my friends, gotta problem?" I hate starting fights like that...So annoying.

But at my new school I hope I can change all that and start off good. :)
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Well this thread has become quite interesting. At my highschool (thank the lord I am a senior) there a few cliques.

The Rednecks - We all know who these people are. They drive the jacked up trucks, have the confed. flags on everything they own, and are basically pricks to everyone else.

The Preps/ Drama People - I would make a new category for the Drama people cause they can be nice, but you know they are still mean at times.

The Druggies / Wiggers / Gangsters - Do I really need to go into detail here?

Computer / Anime / Intelligent / Whatever is left - This is the group I would classify myself as in. We have all different sorts of people here. Myself as a Computer/Anime freak. We are all Intelligent in our own ways and in different areas. This group doesn't look at education as a waste of our life, we will use it one day. We have our own lunch room, because we are so different and so alike as we are outcasts of the school. I guess its sad when you are used for you intelligence by the rest of the school. We run in circles and whenever we are in the same class, we usually outwhit the teacher... *sigh* I wish i was popular.
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Guest Altron Gundam
You forgot the "all-rounders" XD.

The ones that have popularity and manage to keep their GPA's up at a great level while not being a lifeless person XDDD..
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[size=1]In our school, there are groups in there.
There's one for mexicans, one for Armenians(not Americans, Armenians!), Asians, and popular ones.
Well for me I'm in the Asians' group bcuz I'm asian. I'm not popular in school, but most people know me as an anime artist (Only bcuz they've seen me drawing lots of animes and i keep collecting anime stuff and most of my school things have anime characters designed on it, well, the note books, folders, and pencils).
But why have groups?
I mean, everyone are equal to me.
We're just all humans (I hope there's no one an alien o.O;.)
Everyone are just cool to me.[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i]
[B]"One day I said that I was stupid, and my other b-f(Emily), said that she doesn't even know of a stupid asain. And that asains cannot be stupid..."
What is an Asain, is that anything like being Asian? [/B][/QUOTE]

Yep...I knew it!!! I'm a stupid Asian alright, and I can't proofread, type or spell. Oh well, affirmative action will help me get into college...just kidding...I'll get in on my own.
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O_o Intresting thread. At my school there are sterotyping for almost every one. I'm one of the punk/goth that confuse every one. Popular people at my school, they judge too much. Ironically every one of those popular at my school are the ones who make me think of suicide, along with many others. Many of the "in-crowd" make people think that way. I'm glade to be a punk/goth really. That's besides the point anyways... *lites class room books on fire* People often hate other people for the stereotyping.
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Guest Crimson Spider
Most people don't realize that the term "Asain" can refer to people from Russia as well.

A-tech is the largest grouping of Nerds, Geeks, Goths, and asians on the planet!

There are many sub-catagories besides the four I mentioned above. As there is devision between the Geeks, and nerds within themselves.

Phantasy geek: These are the guys that play dungeon's and dragons, and magic the gathering. They travel in groups, and are recognized by all as the "expert gamers" of sorts. I guess that this is the closest thing to anyone that I am at the great Advanced Technologies Acadamy, because I'm pretty darn good at games. The phantasy geeks are like the popular guys of the school, even though they aren't popular. What I mean is that they are often stuck up, and jump from fad to fad very quickly, saying that they never liked the past ones.

Devoted geeks: These are those who are similar to the above, except that they don't jump from fad to fad, and are even more stuck-up.

Now, these rich brats make up about each side of the chess club, and are always sparing about what is good/cool or not.

Then there are the nerds.

Hacker: The most famous type of nerd, and the most hated by the staff. These guys have such great computer knowledge, they could probably plunge the world into nuclear winter with the push of a button. These are another group that I am similar to, because I'm recognized at other places as the "Master of Cheats", even though I'm not too good, it is just that they are worse. These people are less stuck up, and are more prone to argue, and threaten to hack your computer if you tick them off. If you are friends with them, they are pretty nice. They help out with compy problems, and can do some pretty darn funny stuff.

PM me if you want the full story on what they did to get our school in deep sh... stuff.

Numberman: Not the guy in the game. It is not a sexist name. Most girls do not fit into any of the catagories above. I would have to make a seperate list for the women. These guys are math-maticians. They are like human calculaters, and like to brag about it. Not too rude, though. Don't realize they won't need to take all of those classes, such as Calculess. These are often the Achievers, majoring in everything, and compete for the valivictorian each year.

Now, the numberdudes and hackers argue because of the use of math. They talk about how using math to do something like make a building, and the others just say that they can simulate that stuff on a computer. The battle shall never end. Now for a group that has more than just 2 or 3 girls in it.

Goths: These people just make me sick. They walk around, talking about how horrible their life is. About how they have no friends, are complete outcasts, and everyone hates them. They think that they were spanked by society, and laughed at by psychiatrists everywhere. If they would just open their eyes, which they can't because of too much eye-makeup, they would realize that they are actually a majority. That is why I want to decapitate them all and put their head on a stake to give the world an example.

Asians: Definatly one of the best here. They are nice, smart, funny, atheletic, and darn good looking as well. The are another majority. Definatly one of the best. And they all speak perfect english! After going to a getto school, you begin to respect that.

Women: yes, they have their own group. You see, girls are naturally smart enough to make into A-tech without being one of the above. They are just like every other group not mentioned in my posts, except a whole lot smarter and nicer. Not really geeks/nerds either. They're normal!

EDIT: I'm adding this in, because I was forced to type this fast before.

America hatah's: Ironically, these are pure americans who are in this group. They just plain dislike the government. All of the reasons that they offer are selfish, and based on things that they don't fully understand. They think that the american system is corrupt, and Bush is out to get the oil in Iraq, and he planned the whole 9-11 thing, and will launch the next world war. They think that unless the laws abide specifically for them, that they shouldn't be there.

An example: You know how all of those hispanic and black people are protesting the removal of the scholorships for their specific race? Can't remember exactly what it was called, and my sister went to bed so I can't ask her. The point is that they are complaining about how it is putting them down, and they want equal rights, and that it should be there. My Q is: What's equal about it? It gives ONLY them those special things that I can't remember right now, and leaves white, and british, and other U.K. like me without anything! (I'm a mix between Irish, Scottish, Dutch, British, Native American, and many other things, which will lead on to my next point). I shouldn't have to say what my "Race" is when signing up for a collage. That is none of their business! What am I supposed to put anyway? Mut?


Now, from my other school, middle school, these were the groups.

Dumb imigrant guys: A large majority. I really have nothing against mexicans, it is just how stupid a lot of them are in that school is what annoys me. I've met quite a few smart ones in A-tech, but not here! They are horny, don't do their homework, get in fights for no reason, and are only at school because they are forced to be there.

Dumb immigrant girls: Giggily, often fat, and mostly dumb girls. Get pregnant at 14, thinking thier boyfriend will support them, and then the guy ditches them. Same as the guys.

Outcasts: Everyone else.

Most people hate steriotyping because the can't face the truth. They want to be indevidual, and special. I wish I had more of my kind. Everyone at my other board is so far scattered across the world it is rediculess. I'm the only guy from Vegas there.

EDIT: But around people who like pokemon, I'm refered to as "The Master".
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Guest Fly-T
Me being in a school of like 1,000 people....there's so many
*=the pretty much go together
-The Preps
-The Goths: The really get looked at
-The Playaz*: The Spit-Gamers, Lady gettin- money flo'n, Smooth, dudes
-The Pimps*: (see playa)
-The Stylish*: They bangin out with accessories and all clothes to mack out and attract the eye
-The Popular*: Usually they do something stating a name for theyself and getting known to the public
-The gamers(the ones that always fascinated in game related activites)
-The Jocks*: It's self-explanatory if you look it up
-The Freaks(Not OMG look at that looser type of freak, the type of girls who are freaky like i wanna do stuff freaky)*
-The Constant Legspreaders(calling them hoes would be degrading)
-The Drug Dealaz*: The Drug Do-ers, Dealers, all of them....They get the hustle on
-The Average*
-The Smarty Pants

Now Me, i fall under mainly a Playa, Stylish, Popular(im well known in a majority of da grade levels), Jock, Kid...
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