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Change over time.


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Definitly. People change it can't be helped. This is mostly due to the fact that as you grow older you take on more responsibility. It can be said that those who fail to change fail in life. Darwinism is a prime example of this. Adapting to change equals success. Some people need change to go on. Look at all those people on Springer who get sex changes.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i]
[B]Definitly. People change it can't be helped. This is mostly due to the fact that as you grow older you take on more responsibility. Some people need change to go on. Look at all those people on Springer who get sex changes. [/B][/QUOTE]

That is a giant change there
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If things didn't change we'd all still live under Nomatic law... We wouldn't have government... Evolving is just a normal thing in human life... we've evolved from hairy people who grunted and had a hunch back to what we are now... and we'll evolve further... in Intelligence, physical features... and etc... As the word changes, we must adapt... it's natural and we do it, maybe no on purpose but we do... And before you know it, we'll be little floating balls of energy.... heh....

But Change is good.... but you can't change everything... most change is good, but certain tings you just can't...
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Changes have to happen to everyone in some way or another.If people didnt change or evolve, humans woyldnt be so successful in what we are today.

Its like if everyone liked the same thing,it couldnt be possible and the world would be too boring.All living things change in some way or another,it couldnt be possible if no one changed and looked the same.
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[color=royalblue] Change used to be my biggest fear! After having moved to a new district at the worst possible moment! and having to re-adjust to something I had never ever experienced before and overcoming my fears makes me feel so accomplished so change is an absolute neccessity and it can make you feel uncomfortable but...everything turns out ok in the end![/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i]
[B]hmm, change is good but sometimes, change is bad. what i think of change is thinkin about my future. many things can alter over the time. so yea, there is change all around us [/B][/QUOTE]

yea i agree wit u IDv2
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by luvbug [/i]
[B][color=royalblue] Change used to be my biggest fear! After having moved to a new district at the worst possible moment! and having to re-adjust to something I had never ever experienced before and overcoming my fears makes me feel so accomplished so change is an absolute neccessity and it can make you feel uncomfortable but...everything turns out ok in the end![/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

try different country..the language you don't know..ppl make fun of you because of that..i never recovered from it..:( kids can be cruel..i'm still shaking everytime i think of my past years.
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