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Bizarre Presents


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[B]Ghosts! GHOULS! GOBLINS!![/B]

[Color=green]Well, i supposed that would be the wrong season, eh? Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and Jolly Holidays to all! As for me, i have one and a half weeks remaining to buy everybody's christmas presents...:sleep: lazy as i am, i'm going to have to find a ride.

Speaking of presents, the other day i was talking to my best friend and i asked what she wanted from me, and she said to me, i want more of those socks you gave to me for my birthday! (2-3 dollar socks from target, kind of a last minute thing). Now, this is the FIRST time i have EVER had anybody ask me for SOCKS for christmas...its seems purely absurd...but if thats what she wants, i suspect she'll be getting it....i have no problem with cheap! :D

So, have you asked for anything bizarre, or have you had anybody request any strange gifts? [/color]
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[color=003333][size=1]I've had several people ask me for pot. Marijuana seems to be the present to give this Christmas. *rolls eyes*

But the strangest thing I've ever given was anal lubricant. It was a gag gift, but was eventually used anyway.

The strangest thing I've recieved was a box of candy with a dead bloated mouse in it. Half the candy was gone. Ironicaly, all the ones I liked.[/size][/color]
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Guest cloricus
*Writes on Xmas list "Pot: Jamaican Gold"* Mmmm... Err...

...Yeah, GreenEyedDragon you might want to check that comment for sarcasm as socks sounds a bit odd.
Though I haven't really gotten an odd present, excluding every thing from my auntie which kind of gives me two weeks of pleasure trying to work what the heck it?s for and what you do with it. :D
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I wanted to get those singing/dancing Osama and Saddam dolls for my friend Jimmy, he is into all that funny parody stuff, I guess I count that as a weird gift,

It would go down a treat! [b]"Merry Christmas, and heres your present, a singing dancing terrorist bastard!"[/b]

Knight of the Rose, pot's a good present for Colombia, I think that's where it's legal in coffee shops :p [spoiler] Not that I'd touch the stuff [/spoiler]

Nice to meet you peeps here at Otakuboards.
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A packet of cigerettes... a screw holder... a pen ink-refiller...

They're all kinda weird presents if you ask me. I only ended up getting two of them. The pack of cigerettes and the screw holder. As for a pen ink-refiller... I'd be buggered if I can find one.
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I've had requests for some pretty gross stuff...

"Special" "manly"lotion...eeeeeew...

I did buy a really funny gag gift m'self... it's a bobbly/wobbly(whatever!) head Jesus! The box said "salvation...on a spring!"

:laugh: There's a good sig for somebody...
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[color=indigo]Heh, two minutes ago or so I was telling a coworker how I always received the crappiest gifts from girlfriends. Last year, for Valentines day, I received a silver key chain engraved with my initials. [sarcasm]It was a wonderful present, and I honestly don?t know how I ever recognized my car keys before I had an engraved key chain [/sarcasm], I guess it is because I leave my keys in my pocket! I never even bothered putting it on my key ring, I actually think it is in a box at my parents house in NC.

I have also received three nice watches from girlfriends over the years. They were all really nice watches, but they were also very thoughtless gifts. I have never worn a watch, I hate wearing them and I usually have a general idea of what time it is. Anyway, so not to go to waste, I donated these watches to my dad and two of my friends?I know my dad wears his every day?[/color]
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[color=#006699]Last Christmas me and my friend's Dad ordered penis enlarging pills for my friend as a gag gift. In Advisory we all gathered 'round to open gifts. Basically it was like a bootleg CD ring, because no one felt like actually spending money on anyone else. But it was hilarious when he opened it. The teacher got pissed, but it was all in good fun.

I miss that year.[/color]
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[COLOR=green]Besides one of those funky and wildly popular "Charles in my pocket" dolls?

I usually give my liberal friends right wing books, like Bill O'Reilly's [B]Who's Looking out for you?[/B] or Rush Limbaugh's [B]See, I told you so.[/B]. It ticks them off, and it funny to boot.

So you could say I'm more a giver of odd gifts than a receiver...

But isn't that supposed to be better anyway?[/COLOR]
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Well I have asked for a rainbow of duct tape before.I don't really know why.

On the reciving end of thingsI really haven't been given any odd gifts besides makeup.I never wear makeup but every year with out fail someone gives me makeup.One year all my relitives gave me secented bath gel.

Once my friends sister gave her some of the manly lotion Milo speaks of.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Hm, I never really thought of it.

Well I had recieved some socks before (a few times) for my birthday, and I didn't really enjoy it very much. But I got a CD with it, so who cares!
Other then the socks, I really don't recieve odd gifts. I recieve bandanas and dolls, and my friends know I hate them, and my grandmother sends me earrings. I only wear one pair of earrings, my cheap dangling frog earrings. That's it. Also I have recieved a key. And that key goes to my sister's unicorn journal.

P.S. Now I know what to do with the earrings she gives me...Sell em on ebay. Yeah, that's a good idea.[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE]Once my friends sister gave her some of the manly lotion Milo speaks of.[/QUOTE]

Eeeeeew. And the thing is, the guy I know has been asking for it for TWO YEARS. Last Christmas, the time before last Christmas, the time in between last Christmas, a few weeks ago, a few minutes ago...

Why are all my friends so perverted? :(

Oh, wait...I am, too. :)
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[size=1]Toe socks, baby. I always give them, and people love to give them to me. I've got a bit of a collection now, I suppose. I guess that's a little strange.. but for the most part, I get fairly normal gifts.

Well, except for that one time my friend put a bow on his head and rang my doorbell. That was rather disturbing, actually.[/size]
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R/C Cars and game consuls... lol..Yeah right...I don't even have any of that let alone able to GIVE any of it.. I do homemade holiday cards..lol.. Construction paper all the way!! WOOT WOOT!! I love that stuff.. Makes me wish I was a little child again... *sigh* Those were the days....
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I was gonna give my friend the Hellsing soundtrack but today, he was like, "Hey ReTarr! Look what I got!!" And he then pulls out the Hellsing soundtrack...that's not really weird but...anyway...

Everyone where I live asks for socks. It's like the perfect gift, cheap, comfortable, and useable... The weirdest thing I ever got was this glass hat thing that was utterly useless.
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[color=violet]I got a [b]USED[/b] crockpot for Yule last year from my mother-in-law. I don't know if that's bizarre or unsanitary tho.
One year my mom gave my papa an inflatable fish for Christmas since he never catches anything when he [i]does[/i] fish.
And one year my cousin got a build a boyfriend kit in the CHristmas Eve grab bag.[/color]
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