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Bionicle: A new Evil?


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Ok, this is (obviously) a Bionicle based RPG. It takes place after the movie The Mask of Light.

One year has passed since the rising of the Seventh Toa --the Toa of Light-- and all has been brought back to peace. Especially now since Makuta has finally retreated. A new land on Mata-Nui has been discovered, it is called Ka - Koro. This is where the Matoran of light and the Turaga of light --Salkima-- live. Of course the Toa of Light --Takanuva-- protects them. But enough about the new discovered stuff, let's get to the storyline.

A new threat has arrived. [size=1]That was sudden[/size] No one knows who it is or what it is but what they do know is that Mata-Nui has been threatened. [size=1]How do they know that?[/size] Well not much has happened but when all the Toa were summoned to the center of Mata-Nui... they were confused. [size=1]Why?[/size] Because nothing happened. They got there and waited... and waited... and waited... and wa-- [size=1]We get the point![/size] Sorry. Anyways finally Makuta, in his physical form, appeared from the ground. "He's dead!" they all asked and they were right. Because it was only his ghost. He warned them of a coming threat stronger then anything they've face before.. even him. With that he left and the skys grew dark. 7 Rahkshi (the new Light Rahkshi --Taarhak-- being the seventh) rose from the ground. The battle was about to begin.

You will be playing one of the seven toa (in their most recent forms) and will start of fighting the Rahkshi. From then on the story will unfold.

You will choose one of these characters. Just Copy exactly what I have into your Sign-Up and add "Why you think you should play them". If someone else put your person then I will decide who get's to play them (hence the "Why you think you should play them"). You can also change there gender (like if a girl wanted to be Onua).

[color=red][b]Tahu Nuva[/b]
[b]Toa of Fire[/b]
Of all the Toa Nuva, Tahu Nuva most welcomes his/her new power. Now he/she feels even more confident that he/she can protect Ta-koro from any danger! When trouble threatens, his/her magma swords can be joined together to form a lava board that carries him/her swiftly over the magma flows. He/She wears the Hau Nuva, which he/she uses to protect his/her people against any harm.[/color]

[color=sienna][b]Pohatu Nuva[/b]
[b]Toa of Stone[/b]
Pohatu Nuva's climbing claws make it easier than ever for him/her to scale the rocky peaks near his/her village. When joined together, his/her claws form the legendary Kodan ball. Using the Great Mask of Speed, Kakama Nuva, he/she has devoted him/herself to repairing the damage done to Po-wahi by the rampaging Bohrok.[/color]

[color=blue][b]Gali Nuva[/b]
[b]Toa of Water[/b]
Gali Nuva's aqua axes can be attached to her/his feet to serve as scuba fins. Now there is truly nothing faster or more powerful than her/his under the water! And she/he will need that power to save Ga-koro from the darkness that is on its way. Protector of the oceans and waterways of the island, her/his Kaukau Nuva allows her/him to plunge to the very bottom of the sea and survive.[/color]

[color=green][b]Lewa Nuva[/b]
[b]Toa of Air[/b]
The Toa Nuva of Air has grown stronger as a result of his/her struggles against the Bohrok. His/her new air katana can be attached to his/her body to allow him/her to glide on wind currents. Combined with the power of Miru Nuva, he/she can now fly high over the island, keeping an eye out for potential threats to the peace of Mata Nui.[/color]

[color=silver][b]Kopaka Nuva[/b]
[b]Toa of Ice[/b]
His/her new power has, if anything, make Kopaka Nuva even colder and more remote than the mountain upon which he/she lives. His/her ice blade can be split in two to form power ice skates that let him/her rip through the ice and snow. He/She wears Akaku Nuva, using its power to keep watch on all of Ko-wahi from the top of Mount Ihu.[/color]

[b]Onua Nuva[/b]
[b]Toa of Earth[/b]
Mata Nui will need the wisdom and strength of Onua Nuva more than ever in the months to come. Now no place on the island is too far or too dangerous for him/her to reach, for his/her quake breakers can be used as high-speed, all-terrain tracks. They can also be used to carve new passages in the earth. Onua Nuva wears the Pakari Nuva, which increases his/her raw strength to amazing levels.

[*]Must have good post quality.
[*]All posts will be in the color of your name (ask if unsure).
[*]Please, please, PLEASE check spelling and grammar in all posts.
[*]Have fun!

[b]My Sign-Up[/b]
I will be playing the role of...

[color=burlywood][b]Taka Nuva[/b]
[b]Toa of Light[/b]
The Toa of Light wears the Kanohi Avohkii, which can project powerful beams of light energy and banish the shadows. The Avohkii brings understanding, turning anger to peace and enemies into allies. Takanuva carries the Kolhii Staff of Light.[/color]

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[b]Toa of Fire[/b]
Of all the Toa Nuva, Tahu Nuva most welcomes his/her new power. Now he/she feels even more confident that he/she can protect Ta-koro from any danger! When trouble threatens, his/her magma swords can be joined together to form a lava board that carries him/her swiftly over the magma flows. He/She wears the Hau Nuva, which he/she uses to protect his/her people against any harm.

I think I should be him because I love
Snowboarding & Surfing (LavaBoarding),
and in the movie, he is mostly determined
(Like me^_^)
I need to go to bed, so please tell me what you think, and I'll add more/the rest later~_^!
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