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A Poetry Contest, of sorts.


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I am going to venture that Mimmi's Poetry In Motion is about Yours Truly. Here's why.

If it's about me,

[quote]you search my fires and evoke
revelations imploring freedom
The desire to move further[/quote]

A teacher is required to search students and find what drives them--what motivates them to go further into a subject, a work and find deeper meanings.

[quote]you entwine deepness to my core[/quote]

The idea of getting a student away from the superficial nature of education and getting down to the roots of something.

[quote]guide me senseless to blissful insights
Tempt the craving to learn[/quote]

"Craving to learn."


[quote]you pleasure me to early beds
of graves dug deep with stunning knowledge[/quote]

"Deep with stunning knowledge."

The idea of an instructor just putting a student in awe of what has just been said, to the point where the student's face lights up and the jaw drops--in a wholesome and innocent way, of course. ^_^;;;

[quote]The final slip awaits deliverance[/quote]

This, however, I'm still deciding what it means. A slip can be defined as a push over the edge, slipping into a deep sea. So, we could extrapolate...all you need is the final push so that you can finally be whole.

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