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Sorcerer Hunters


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[size=1] Most recent anime I've watched, so I decided to make a thread about it.

I'm not too pleased with the scene in every episode where either Chocolate and/or Tira turn into those fighting machines wearing skimpy outfits, but anyways...I love Carrot. ^_^. He was the first person I noticed with interest when I watched the first episode. So very typical of me, though. :p I like the plot line, it's pretty solid and clear, and and I particularly like the expressions Carrot give every now and then.

The fighting scenes aren't that much to me, but it's better than many animes I know, so I'm not going to complain. I've only seen the first four episodes, anyway. *shrugs* Anyone else seen it?[/size]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I haven't ever watched the anime, but I read a lot of the manga a while ago and I ADORED the series. I thought it was so cute and attractive, but the anime seemed completely different. My favorite character was Tira. She wasn't all putting herself out for Carrot like Chocolat was. She also had pink hair, which is a big plus for me. I don't know if it's so in both the anime and manga, but in the manga, Tira comes off as really respectable. She walks around in a brown cape like thing that covers her entire body. She only shows herself off when she fights. And she uses a whip. VERY nice. ^_~[/color][/size]
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I watched two episodes of The Sorcerer Hunters while I was at home for break. They were on On Demand (digital cable). It wasn't a bad show from what I saw although I would've liked to see the first episode.

It bugged me that they used the same sequence for Tira's transformation where she steps out of her shoe, etc....
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  • 1 month later...
[quote name='maladjusted'] ...I'm not too pleased with the scene in every episode where either Chocolate and/or Tira turn into those fighting machines wearing skimpy outfits...[/quote]
Given the contrasts between Tira and Chocolate "everyday" and "working" I think the outfits are a decent gimmick.
[quote name='maladjusted']...I love Carrot. ^_^. He was the first person I noticed with interest when I watched the first episode...[/quote]
I could not STAND Carrot until I got to the end of the series. But the second time around I didn't mind him so much. I like Marron a lot more. He is so dignified but so understanding of his goofy brother...
[QUOTE=maladjusted]I like the plot line, it's pretty solid and clear...

The fighting scenes aren't that much to me, but it's better than many animes I know, so I'm not going to complain...[/QUOTE]
I just rewatched this after the longest time. I had good memories of it but I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. A story which is easy to follow, nice short battle scenes and lots of characterization. Hayashibara Megumi in her prime (can't hear her in the dubs). Great OP and ED songs. It's amazing how little of it is animated - what a cheapie! Not that I mind...

I hope at least a couple of people kept watching.
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