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Gamers Rule: Numero Uno

Hittokiri Zero

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This was just a quick project me and Kenji were actually going to start together it never really did get off the ground mainly because i've been bogged down with so much school work that it's not funny :rolleyes:, that also explains why I haven't been able to comment on anyone elses work for the past couple of days x___X... Anyway here is the image that i'm talking about and for those of you wondering it was inspired by Penny Arcade XD... Eh and I forgot to mention, the comic was more of a test to see if I could actually draw anything semi-decent in photoshop it was a partial success :cross:.

[URL=http://tshahid.freewebpages.org/strip01.jpg]GAMERS RULE: Numero Uno, the consequences of defeat.[/URL]

Please comment if you view the image {the second Xbox playing character was rushed and was meant to look like a total idiot x___X, and the shirt designs were never finished).

*EDIT* Just as I thought you'll have to copy and paste the url into a new browser to view the image...
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[SIZE=1]Heh, I really do see some potential with this. You and Kenji should finish it once you have time. I'd love to see the finished product.

The character design is quite nice. I can see a resemblence to Penny Arcade. I love the beanie. ^^ The left arm on the first person looks really wierd though. o.O[/SIZE]
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ay thanks x___X. Another reason why I/we kind of stopped is also because i'm trying to develop my own drawing style similar to penny arcades yet different at the same time =O. I'm also thinking about maybe starting something with an actualy story/plot instead of just one time laugh at things =O. I'm really unsure though x___X, as soon as finals blow over I should have time to think :P.
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