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Machine Head

JC Goodwin

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I think this thread is in the wrong place, it should be in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=44]Music, Movies and TV[/URL]. Now, where's a friendly mod[strike]dy[/strike] to move this thread when you need one?
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[color=darkblue] Oh for the love of spam James Goodwin and Nats, it is not your role to play 'Mod' so just leave it and get on with the thread as it will eventually be moved and it will continue in it's designated forum. It annoys me when people think they will get in James's or Charles's good books by acting as a 'vigilante' for Otaku Boards.

Continuing on with the thread anyway. I myself agree with you on this band. You made the point that they do their own thing and that is a key thing to a successful band, so yes I do enjoy a few of their songs. They're not my favourite band of all time but they definitely adjust my moods, which I look for in music.[/color]
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[size=1]It is alright for anyone to make a mistake, because everyone does, except for wrist cutter, who is perfect.

In the future, please refrain from "playing mod." We do our best, but try as we may, we are not omnipresent. Someone will take care of a misplaced thread as soon as it is noticed. Thank you.[/size]
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