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My Banners


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[COLOR=deepPink]Hello, it is I, Ryu Sakura on another rampage of banner and avi making.

Ok, tonight I am putting up two banners that need a quote, or somthing... If you have an ideas, or plain suggestion for them please tell me! (Preferably here)

[B]Fuji-Iro Kaminari (Translation Light Purple Thunder, Filename: kaminari banner lightpurple2):[/B] I love this one! It took me forever to get the putple background into just the right places, yes, it is the same image posted several times in multiple places. I really think it needs a quote... But I have no idea what to put! I'm at a mojor loss!

[B]Space Lain (Filename: space lain1e2): [/B] Eh, I like it, but I think it's kinda funky, and blanc.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Fuji-Iro Kaminari:

Not much to say about this one. Other then very cute, you've done a very good job on the color theme and border. Because the bg really matches the character. Good choice of colors, light spot, and a nice size of the border. Only problem I can find id the character still has some white pixels around her. Over all, nicely done. ^^

Space Lain:

I always love your Lain banners. Nice choice of image, nice dark colors and shades. I like the bg that you used, it fits the her personality. You've done a good job on having the shades of blue, black, purple all together. The space look goes well with the look in her eyes. I like the screen lines. Might work well if you put one of the lyrics as a quote. It kind of bugs me how the border seems to fade/go away.
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[QUOTE=Ruby][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Fuji-Iro Kaminari:

Not much to say about this one. Other then very cute, you've done a very good job on the color theme and border. Because the bg really matches the character. Good choice of colors, light spot, and a nice size of the border. Only problem I can find id the character still has some white pixels around her. Over all, nicely done. ^^

Space Lain:

I always love your Lain banners. Nice choice of image, nice dark colors and shades. I like the bg that you used, it fits the her personality. You've done a good job on having the shades of blue, black, purple all together. The space look goes well with the look in her eyes. I like the screen lines. Might work well if you put one of the lyrics as a quote. It kind of bugs me how the border seems to fade/go away.

On the space lain one there was actually somthing there *cough*middlefinger*cough* but I didn't want to get banned, so I edited it out so I could put it on this site.

The white pixles were left there on purpose, well, sorta, firsat I am too lazy to crop them out, and second, I actuallly think it makes her look like she's glowing a tiny bit...[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Blue]Wow, those are good! Really! I wish I could make banners. But I don't have the stuff. But I relly like the dark one. It would be kewl if it said

"I can see inside your mind, and its not prety...."

To me that sounds funny....I don't know why though....You don't have to listen to me wanna know why? Becauase your talking to a girl thats carzy about socks! Anyway, your not at all bad. Your very good. Really. :) :D[/COLOR]
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