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Legend has is that not many young American head to the booths on voting day. I'd like to take a moment to advocate for the candidates by saying: Go out and vote for the man you want running your country, so you won't have anything to complain about after the fact. (My sources tell me that [I]Urban Outfitters[/I] have created a T-Shirt emblazoned with the slogan [B]"Voting is for Old People"[/B]. I think that deserves a boycott.)

Apparently there's this new voting system...It's electronic, si? Something wrong with this picture?

With an electronic system of voting, there's no paper trail, no hard evidence of who voted for who. Additionally, this system was invented by a friend of Mr. Bush.

The most blaringly obvious fact is: How many hackers are there out there right now? Who says this system isn't invincible? Every vote counts.

Do you guys think that this is an effective method of voting?

And if you've got any additional info on this new method, would you mind sharing it?
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Well, I don't know anything at all about this electronic system of voting. But if it happens to be electronic booths with touch-sensitive monitors, then as long as it's run on "caveman OS" and not Windows NT or something it should be just as reliable/unreliable as anything non-electronic.

I don't think the system is on-line or anything. If it is then it's downright retarded. There's no way it would be, though, because then a completely different voter profile would emerge. And old people would NOT vote. There's no way that's what's going on.

Anyway, I still haven't educated myself on the Democratic candidates, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get out there and vote. We need more educated voters.

Oh, and yeah, voter turnout in the U.S. is staggeringly low. But "political participation" in general is quite high, and not lower than that of other countries. Just so nobody thinks most Americans don't care at all.
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If I could even vote, for sure I wouldn't use that system. For one thing anything involving electronics doesn't like me (my internet for example, sheesh.) I just hope we don't have to go through what happened last election. Something tells me that this new system might have to be re-counted a few times. Anyways, I just want Bush out at this point. He's trying to pass the bill involving the No Child Left Behind program, which I disagree with...
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Does it ever [diserve a boycott].

I don't know whether to be angry or simply dissapointed in the message "Urban Outiftters" is trying to send through that shirt.
Apparently, taking action towards improving your country (I should [I]hope[/I] people vote for who they think will improve the country) is "for old people".

As for this electronic system: the fact that it was created by a friend of Mr. Bush could be enough to earn some major speculation.
However, the suggestion that the voter turnout would be entirely different, if it were web-based somehow, is acurate.
As is the point that it would "just be retarded". Hmmm...I can just imagine some thirteen-year-old transfering every vote to Chippy the Pinecone.

It's almost scary when you think about how a substantial number more of people voted in American Idol than in the last election.

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[QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]
It's almost scary when you think about how a substantial number more of people voted in American Idol than in the last election.


[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] "Next up, on Fox: American President! Can George W's rendition of "Gone Country" beat out John Kerry's "War"? Or will Ralph Nadar's "Independent Women" throw them both for a loop? Join us and our panalo f judges, Micheal Moore, Bill O' Rielly, and Simon, as we determine the fate of the US!"


I used to encourage others to vote, but I soon realized that the fewer people vote, the stronger my vote becomes. (There's something to think about).

Granted, I still encourage people in my age bracket to vote, so that we will be recognized as a voting block and thus be pandered to by politicians.[/color][/size][/font]
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[QUOTE=Godelsensei][color=gray][font=Courier New]
As is the point that it would "just be retarded". Hmmm...I can just imagine some thirteen-year-old transfering every vote to Chippy the Pinecone.
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]Honestly, I can truely see this happening. what would hit the headlines..i have no idea.[/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]Voting? Not me. I'm a kid...But...for some reason...my social studies teacher swears we can vote but we don't want to. Even if i could...I wouldn't,...as the US will eventually fall.[/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]_-Nate-_[/color][/font]
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]14 year olds? Voting? Oh my.

We-hell, that sounds like a rather [B]bad[/B] idea.
One hears enough about those under 25 not being informed enough to vote properly. Now they want children, who have not even been through the school system, half of which probably don't care either way, to vote in the Presidential Election?

What would this turn campaigns into? Commercials full of actors and athletes, that it seems marketers think teenagers find appealing?
I'm not saying the kids aren't smart enough. It's just that most adults, let alone children, seem to be incredibly uninformed in the ways of politics.

I shudder to think of what must be going on in some of these people's brains.

I find this rather unbelievable--does any one have any further details?[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[font=Verdana][size=1][color=teal]Any system that doesn't cause the sequel to the 2000 'BushGate' is fine by me.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1][color=#008080]Soudns like Urban Outfitters are a bunch of morons, Voting is for old people? So does that mean your target market's votes don't count? Sure, protest over Bush and his policies, yet do nothing in the polls? Yeesh![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1][color=#008080]Oh, and vice versa, Support bush but not vote for his re - election?[/color][/size][/font]
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