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Set ups.


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You know what I hate the most in life? When people A.) Use me or B.) Set me up.
But what can you do about it? I know what I can do, and that is nothing. I'm set up most by a little girl named Runa, and see, she's a little protective, and that's why I do nothing about it. I let her have it her way, and agree on the situation, cause she's probably right...but then she'll not only set me up but another person who I know too, and do something evil, I dunno...but does anyone have a story to tell about them being set up? Do you, or did you, hate it? Please, feel free to comment.
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I agree that being used and/or set up is one of the most annoying, hurtful thing someone can do to another person. I know this is kind of an old story, but it still hurts when I think about it.

When I was in the second grade I had a friend who's dad was one of my dad's co-workers. She moved to the States from Japan and didn't speak english or have any friends. So I was her very first friend. I would help her with her homework, introduced her to all my friends, would translate for her....I thought we were really good friends.

One Friday she told me that my mom said it was ok for me to go over to her house to play afterschool. I totally believed her and went over to her house. When I got there she told me that I couldn't come in the house and that I wasn't welcome. Her mom wouldn't let me in the house except to call my mom to ask her to come pick me up. I lived 10 miles away so it wasn't like I could just walk home. My mom told me I had to wait until my dad finished work and would pick me up on his way home. She said I shouldn't have gone over to her house without permission!

I had to sit on their front porch until 6pm when my dad got off work. My "friend" and her older brother thought it was so funny that I believed her story and laughed at me the entire time.

I, to this day, have no idea why she did that to me. Why would someone make up a lie like that to hurt someone that was their friend? I think the worst part was not the lie but the backstabbing that went along with it. It happened many years ago, but just thinking about it still makes me sad.
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Aie Aieyai. That's horrible. Why would someone, who you took in and gave friendship to, betray you? That's not right. Guess they aren't much of a friend if they're willing to go that low into tricking you. If someone did such of that to me, I would usually get them back, but no, my mum said that being polite, is only right.

One time, a girl who I thought was my friend, used me so bad, it really hurt. I was like, 14 or 13, and she had come over to stay the night. Well, this was on Halloween, and I was exhausted from going around with my next door neighbor's son. She had stayed home with my brother. I got back home and bam! I go into his room and catch them making out.

Mum was so mad. So what did I do? I packed her stuff, and tossed it in front of her, called her dad, and told him to come pick her up because of what she did. I have never forgiven my brother for all the horrid things he has ever done to me. Just because they were so bad...
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE=Amity]One time, a girl who I thought was my friend, used me so bad, it really hurt. I was like, 14 or 13, and she had come over to stay the night. Well, this was on Halloween, and I was exhausted from going around with my next door neighbor's son. She had stayed home with my brother. I got back home and bam! I go into his room and catch them making out.

Mum was so mad. So what did I do? I packed her stuff, and tossed it in front of her, called her dad, and told him to come pick her up because of what she did. I have never forgiven my brother for all the horrid things he has ever done to me. Just because they were so bad...[/QUOTE][B]Ouch.[/B] I think I physically felt the awkwardness there. I've never really had anyone set me up, as far as I can remember, and that's probably because I'm very cynical about people in general and therefore don't have many good friends; so the friends I do have I know wouldn't set me up. There's only one backstabber in my class, but ironically, he's one of the most popular people. My life is the physical incarnation of the phrase "I'm surrounded by idiots".
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