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Don’t bother me with your sorrow
My heart is not something you can borrow
Enlighten us all on your idea of care
“I’ll always be by your side”, this you swear
depart me of my desperate cries
for something more than your pathetic lies
So you took that chance to leave to the perfect life
A chance to have me as mother and wife
No one’s stopping you on this unexpected ride
You’ll only have memories, them as your guide
Your anger and frustration feeds your hungry determination
Keeping everything in tact, in constant rotation
Loyal to your responsibilities
Has you turning to crazy insanities
There’s that voice telling you to carry on
Disguised as a girl, there til’ she’s gone
Whispering sweet nothings in your ear
Saying things for only you to hear
It’s temptation shrieking on your shoulder
Your minds’ yelling “go!”, you hearts’ getting colder
The touch of her lips, couldn’t match those of whose they should
It’s not like she’d do anything, it’s not like she could
She would never know, never find out
But then you hear yourself shout
“It’s wrong, but it’s not alright.”
“Let’s keep it gong, stay up all night”
The now you made, was broken right then
How the real woman was waiting til’ when
You return covered with guilt and shame
She just stood her ground, not even speaking your name
She knew all along it would never be
Didn’t want to be there, for you to see
It’s enough you left, why return
She gave you a chance, you didn’t learn
She’s moved on now, no more little miss
She’s not coming back, she promised you this


~back to rhyming..I suppose. Still the old stuff.
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I really like this poem as well as your others, maybe even more. You display many great things that are able to create a picture in the readers mind, which in turn is a very good thing. You display the thought that I mainly look for, even if I do complain about it not being in stanzas [hint]. You have put emotion that I, as the reader can see/feel in your writing. You can become very talented if you continue and follow everyones advise. You should keep writing.
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