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My blends...


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[SIZE=1]Here are some of my anime/manga blends. You can view more at my website: [URL=http://nf.fuberri.net][COLOR=Red]Nowhere Fast[/COLOR][/URL] (please excuse my plug. Seriously)

[URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an12.png][COLOR=Red]Fooly Cooly[/COLOR][/URL]
[URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an15.png][COLOR=Red]Cowboy Bebop[/COLOR][/URL]
[URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an10.png][COLOR=Red]Rei Ayanami[/COLOR][/URL]
[URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an13.png][COLOR=Red]Snow White[/COLOR][/URL]
[URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an07.jpg][COLOR=Red]Wild Adapter[/COLOR][/URL]
[URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an17.png][COLOR=Red]Hellsing[/COLOR][/URL] (love this one! it's big, but it might be worth it!)

Let me know what you thing. Some of them are kinda old, but they're my faves. Anyone else blend? I have an anime/manga blend challenge site if you do! [URL=http://oneway.fuberri.net][COLOR=Red]One Way[/COLOR][/URL] [/SIZE]
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[size=1]Wow, very very cool. I just made my first blend the other day, these are like, 10 times better than mine!

I really like the fooly cooly one because it's very clean looking. I like the others two, but some of them have so many images it's hard to tell who or what it is. I also think the orange looks like with it. I like the Rei Ayanami and the Wild Adapter ones as well. The Hellsing one is neat to, but a bit more difficult to see, still very cool though. What program do you use? [/size]
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[SIZE=1]Hey, thanks for the feedback! I use PSP 7, which is ironic because I think most people use Photoshop. But, I settled for PSP. I should learn to use PS soon though, because most companies use it for their graphic designs.

Anyway, all of these are old ones now that I think about it. I'll see if I can whip up something newer...I'm into the grunge look (as seen in the Hellsing one) which explains its multi-layered/hard to see look. Eh, I'm okay with it. =)

Is it okay if I link the blends like I did, because I saw somewhere that it's against the rules to load more than 5 pictures (??) Anywho, I'll go work on some new blends. My wallpapers are another story (never was any good at wallpapers). ^o^[/SIZE]
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