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i've just heard......

Guest female outlaw

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Guest female outlaw
:smirk: that there was going 2 be a zelda movie out in about 7-8 years time.it's going 2 be based on Oot (the game),it will look abit like lord of the rings....which is kind of a disappointment 4 me...i'd rather have a animatied (spelling!)movie.....what do u think about this?
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Anyone that told you this is a moron, because no studio in the world would plan to purposely make a movie seven to eight years ahead of now. It'd make no sense. In fact, the whole "seven to eight" years comment makes it seem like this person just came up with a large number so that if a Zelda movie is made within that time span, he could be like "see, I was right!".

That and no one owns the Zelda film rights to my knowledge. Nintendo licensed out the Metroid rights, but only for a few years and nothing was made, so the film studio lost it. There's no way Nintendo would allow a company to take eight years to make a movie based on a game that's several years old to begin with.

Also, please clean up your post quality. Using numbers to spell words doesn't cut it here, I'm afraid.

Edit - Apparently John Woo and company have picked up the film rights to Metroid and want to get something out within two years... hm.
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