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I didn't know what to call this...


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I just finished this. I used photo reference, though she doesn't look like I wanted her to. She doesn't seem to look Japanese to me, even though I used photos of Japanese women. And I do not like her left arm and hand. I've never been good with hands. Also, I think I may have screwed up a bit on the size of her head. Or it may just be the hair. @_@

I'm doing a cg version of this too, but I thought it'd be better to do it in colored pencil first. I'd like to hear any comment on it before I continue to do to much of it on the computer.
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Mmm, you're right. The left arm/hand is a bit too thin, making the hand look like a claw. Her hair might be a wee too thick on her right side, making her head look big, and the pupil of her right eye needs to be moved over. Her neck is a little long, and I think her head may be tilted too much.

You did a very nice job of coloring it, and with a few revisions, it could be a very good picture ^_^
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Here's the computer colored version of this. I think it came out better than the colored pencil version, and I really like it much better this way. I left out a lot of it, because I thought it was better this way. I shortened her neck and rotated her face, so that's fixed, more or less. Any comments? :p
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ooooo, I like it! It's much better. I love the coloring- it gives it more an abstract-ish look, making any proportion difficulties look intentional (which they may have been ^_^; )

What program did you use? I like it a lot, especially her hair.
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I used photoshop 5. I like the hair too. Took a hell of a long time to do. :drunk: The dress came out better than I feared it would. And the changes I made with her facial expression improves it a bit. The only thing I don' like are the arms. They look too flat. And, I don't know, I think th neck might still be too long...
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