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Guest darkkikyo

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Guest darkkikyo
I don't know if there is a introduction forum so I guess I put it in here!^^ Hi my name is darkkikyo. I just joined and I wanted to say hello to evryone!^^ Let me tell you about myself I love all sorts of Anime and video games I like to write dark poems. I am 11 years old and I hate school! Well thats all for now Bye also I am looking for friends if you are interested PM me please!^^ :) :rolleyes: :babble:
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Hi! Welcome to Otaku boards! My name is dposse. You really need to read the board rules. Also, no one can private message you untill you turn it on! I tried, but you don't have you PM on. The mods here really like long posts and if you don't have a long post, then the mods will delete it. They also like good spelling and grammer. I'm not saying that you have bad spelling or grammer, I am just trying to tell you how it is on otaku boards. Also, do you know of myotaku.com? You can join [url]www.myotaku.com[/url] and make a site that will tell everyone about you! It is very easy! I hope you enjoy otaku boards and myotaku.com!

Go to "Edit Options" under Myob[user cp]. Then go to "private messages" and click the box "enable private messaging". Then you can send and recive PMs!
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]dposse ya it is nice to remind peopl about the rules, but it can be very annoying. So please leave that to the mods. Oh and ya welcome to otaku boards and hope you have fun here, and like dposse said you can also join [url]www.myotaku.com[/url] and be even more popular because not everyone here has an account there. Oh also not everyone there has an account here. Hope you enjoy your stay.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

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[font=Verdana][size=2]First of all, we aren't Nazis who strictly force members to toil over "really long posts" just for the sake of doing so. Obviously, as long as you're making an effort to put real thought into what you're trying to say in relevance to the discussion, s'all good. Succinct opinions can be just as valuable, if not more so, than hopelessly long-winded ones. We just like our members to elaborate on their opinions--common sense stuff, right? :)[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]Excuse my rudeness darkkikyo--welcome to Otakuboards. I just had to clarify that point. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]At one time we did have an introduction forum, but we no longer do because, well, we don't permit introduction threads. We find that it's more desirable to learn about our members through their participation in various discussions and the innovative integration of the myOtaku service.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]Have fun, darkikyo and I look forward to reading your poetry.[/size][/font]
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