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Eh...few graphics.


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Here are few banners I've made. thought I would post some of my graphics since I haven't for a while now. Uh, well, here they are...starting with the most recent.

Banner of Lan. Just a practice banner.

Ugh, Shino banner. Pretty bad, considering I had a limited amount of time to finish it. Was used in a graphic battle in a different forum. Unforutanetley [sp?] we lost...:(

This was for a "PS2 Cover battle"... thought I did fairly well for my first, On a sidenote: I won XD

Request. Dont really like the image to the right at all, but w/e. Was redone, but I can't find that one.

+Remember, Feedback is ALWAYS welcome.

[I finally found a reliable host...:)]
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[size=1][color=darkred]Shippo dude! Hah, long time no see anything new from you. Ok, let's see, you have really improved. ^_^ Good job. The font that says "Haunted Past" I'd really like to know what that font is. Where does everyone get their fonts anyways? Oh well, anyways. Talk about eye candy, what do you do? Filtering? Airbrushing? Just what is it that you are doing?

The Lan banner I really like. The picture, nice, kinda clean,ect.. It's the background that catches my eye most of all.
I agree with you the image on the right of that Haro Haro one, I really don't like. And again it's the background that catches my eye. Good job Shippo dude (mind if I call you this?)

Hope to see some more of your works again.[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE=Hatake][size=1][color=darkred]Shippo dude! Hah, long time no see anything new from you. Ok, let's see, you have really improved. ^_^ Good job. The font that says "Haunted Past" I'd really like to know what that font is. Where does everyone get their fonts anyways? Oh well, anyways. Talk about eye candy, what do you do? Filtering? Airbrushing? Just what is it that you are doing?

The Lan banner I really like. The picture, nice, kinda clean,ect.. It's the background that catches my eye most of all.
I agree with you the image on the right of that Haro Haro one, I really don't like. And again it's the background that catches my eye. Good job Shippo dude (mind if I call you this?)

Hope to see some more of your works again.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]
Heh, thanks for replying.

[quote][size=1][color=#8b0000]Shippo dude! Hah, long time no see anything new from you[/quote][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=black]Well, I don't really post much here anymore, since not that many people comment on my work. But I do thank you for taking the time to reply. ^_^.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#8b0000][quote]Where does everyone get their fonts anyways? Oh well, anyways. Talk about eye candy, what do you do? Filtering? Airbrushing? Just what is it that you are doing?[/quote][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=black]I gave you the site I download fonts from via PM, On that certain piece, I didn't really do much. Just took the background pic, and made it darker. Then put it into a look a-like ps2 box cover. Then I cropped out a pic of kenshin, and put it on..then the text. Nothing much really.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=black]As for my other stuff...I brush a bit, and the rest are usually old renders combined to make a whole new one.[/color][/size]
[size=1][quote]Good job Shippo dude (mind if I call you this?)[/quote][/size]
[size=1]Don't mind at all...Infact I kinda like it...lol.[/size]
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