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my personal best banner ever


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I worked on this one tonight.. .and I really think its my personal best.
believe it or not, this one took some creativity out of me. I know the concept is simplisitic, and it may be a bit too busy for some... But i really do love this banner I made... and i truely think its the best banner I ever made yet so far.

but you be the judges

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I generally hate banners like this. A lot of words in teh background with more words on the foreground. It all seems so crowded...

But in this case. .... [b]I love it[/b]. I can't explain what makes this one different, but it just seems more appealing to me than normal.

I like how you have layered the picture and the words. It creates an interesting visual appeal. Also I like the topmost statement and its hilarity. It works well with the background text. It is a bit taxing on the eyes to read though.

Technically speaking, this may not be your best banner ever, but I do think that this one, however simple, really shows off your style as an artist. Creating a banner such as this expresses you as the artist, not an anime, as seen in various other banners. And what is better than something that showcases you? ^__^

Two things realy quick things that I think will help you improve this banner. I think the placement of the text "Emme888" is off. It is a bit unreadable there, so I would suggest moving it to someplace else, or taking it out all together. The next is the border. I think I see a single pixel black border on there, but you still have alot of room left. I think perhaps a white border might add a taste of flash too it. You could also pull a color out of the picture you have on there.....hmmm maybe not. But a dark grey border might work as well. Play around with it though.
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Yeah. That new border looks awesome. The grey border on the inside is cool. I like how you did that. I think the borders add more style to the banner, and they just look plain spiffy. ^__^ I'm glad you decided to remove teh "Emme888" text because I was really unsure of how you could tie that in. Even when I wrote the comment in the first place I was thinking of where you could put it, but I came up blank.

I really like the new version too! It looks wonderful. Way to go! ^__~
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It's a pretty neat banner, well layed out, the new borders is cool as well.

I was thinking, if you wanted to make another version, put a stroke effect around your main text, a single black stroke would look effective, and it would make the text stand out more. It kind of blends into the lower text, do you see what I mean?

Other than that, this banner is very effective, props to you.
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[color=teal]What I find so great about this sort of banner is the originality that derives from it; it's so unique compared to the type that represent anime or video game characters--not that there's anything wrong with them. In my eyes, text can't resemble one another because there are just so many different ways they can be expressed.

One thing I've noticed about a lot of them though is the message they carry. I can understand your version in this context Emme888, but others are seemingly inspiring as well, and it just goes to show how deep some artists are willing to dig in order to find that sense of creativity in themselves. Art isn't about the coolest graphics or the most detail. It's about expressionism, and your piece accomplishes that with flying colours.[/color]
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