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Gundam Wing Signature..pic included!!


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Ya know, you guys are the best with signatures and avatars, i was wondering if you could help me out here.


If you could make that picture, look really cool (not that it doesnt already) but change it up a bit..and have my name in it...not master of anime, but Anime_Master

tyvm ^^

EDIT: oh and it can only be 500 x 250, but if u can get it smaller then that, that would be great!

[color=teal]EDIT.. again:[/color] ok, so nobody want's to do one of that picture..thats understandable..how about these?




Maybe give em a cool background or whatever's clever. and say Anime_Master in it?

won't somebody help me out. 500 X 250 no bigger, smaller is better!!

[color=teal]Please try to avoid double posting, like you did in your first post with that other edit. Thanks! ^_^ -Syk3[/color]
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