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The Claw [PG]


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Hush now, speak not, for you may awaken the Claw. It watches over us with an all-seeing eye that lives beyond our limited, feeble perceptions and intellects. We know nothing, and the Claw presides rightly so, for the Claw knows all, sees all, and always will know what is best, for it is the Claw. Its power is absolute; its will is the law. It dictates who shall stay and who shall go, for it is the Claw.

Speak not of what freedoms you think we lack, for we do not lack them, because the Claw believes them to be freedoms we need not possess. We, the groundlings, know nothing of higher matters, and lack the capacity for the higher thought so that we may govern ourselves, and we know this, for the Claw has made it known to us. The Claw is our Lord and master; it instructs us, and guides us, and we must not feel that it acts to punish us, for the punishment is always just. There is one law and one alone, and that law is the Claw.
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[size=1]The highest praise I can give is this: If I didn't know you, I'd believe that you took this out of a book.

A nice, concise piece of writing: It would be the perfect introduction to a novel. It sets the scene so well. In only a few sentences, you already know what this world is like. Impressive writing Alex.[/size]
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