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Journey to the Digital World: A New Beginning


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One snowy January day, a young girl looked at her computer screen. On the screen was a Digimon RPG. 'Let's see. I choose a female character, make her look just like me.Then, I choose Kumamon for my partner.' Just then, the screen started to glow. 'What in the world?' When Hirako slowly put her face to the screen, she felt something fall into her right hand. She looks at the gold and silver digivice in her hand. 'How'd this get into my hand?' She then becomes engulfed in the computer and lands in a forest in the digital world. 'Where am I?' She looks around, still sore from the fall. She stares toward a small, bear shape. As the shape comes closer, she realizes that it's a Kumamon. 'Hello, my name is Kumamon. Are you Hirako?' She nods, still a little confused. 'Hirako, you are my tamer. That means I'll digivolve and you'll be able to spirit digivolve.' Hirako starts to cry. 'My dream has come true. I'm finally a tamer!' Kumamon smiles and walks over to her. He hands her a deck of different cards. 'These cards will give me different powers to battle with. Also, did you already get a digivice?' Hirako reaches into her pocket and pulls out the digivice. 'Yeah, I already got one. But why is it gold and silver Kumamon?' Kumamon studies the digivice. His eyes widen with shock. 'This...this is the legendary digivice only given to the purest of heart. You must be the one chosen to be a great digimon tamer. I'm happy to be your digimon partner Hirako.'
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[size=1][color="#FF9922"]Feyrbrand, please take a look at the Square's sticky before you post again in the Arena. There's a certain way things are run here and the best way to understand them is to read the rules. For instance, you must recruit players for your RPG in the Inn before you bring it into the Square. Also, all RPGs must have a proper rating or else they will be closed.

If you have any questions about any of our rules, check out the Suggestions and Feedback forum or PM an Arena moderator for help. Welcome to the boards. ^_^

- Arcadia[/color][/size]
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