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Otakuboards: Enter The Commonplaces

Xander Harris

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I am currently working on a paper for my Rhetoric class on Commonplaces. Commonplaces are stated or unstated values that the majority of people in a community will hold. These values can then be appealed to in an arguement. For instance, George Bush's speeches consist of little but commonplaces. (Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, democracy, democracy etc... often substance-less, but persuasive enough to win a second term, since few Americans would argue that freedom and democracy are good... note that that was not a political statement. Just a well-known example.)

I am doing my paper on another internet community I participate in, but I figured I'd try this out here as well, since I had the thread all ready to go...

This thread is to help compile a list of commonplaces present at Otakuboards. This will make a nice repository of commonplaces that people can use in their own arguements around here...

Note: I do not mean to imply that EVERYONE who comes here shares these views or has these pieces of information, but that at least 80% of people seem to...


Shared Stories

Shared Sayings/jokes

Shared Respect or Admiration for certain things or individuals

Have fun. I look forward to reading the results... maybe I'll post some of my own a bit later...

James Bierly
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[color=DarkGreen][size=1]I've definitely noticed a certain stigma attached to [i]Yu Yu Hakusho. [/i]I'm not sure whether I've only picked this up from Solo's [color=DarkSlateBlue][i]Enter the Net[color=DarkGreen],[/color][/i][color=DarkGreen] or whether I've seen it exhibited elsewhere too. I [i]think[/i] I've also picked up a "[i]Dragonball [/i]and[i] Dragonball Z [/i]are for n00bs" attitude as well, but that might just be me...[/color][/color][/size][/color]
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[quote name='Blackjack][color=DarkGreen][size=1]I've definitely noticed a certain stigma attached to [i]Yu Yu Hakusho. [/i]I'm not sure whether I've only picked this up from Solo's [color=DarkSlateBlue][i]Enter the Net[color=DarkGreen],[/color][/i][color=DarkGreen] or whether I've seen it exhibited elsewhere too. I [i]think[/i] I've also picked up a "[i]Dragonball [/i]and[i] Dragonball Z [/i]are for n00bs" attitude as well, but that might just be me...[/color][/color][/size'][/color][/quote]
There's no stigma attached to the show itself--not if I have anything to say about it, that is--but the old Yu Yu Hakusho sub-forum is (rightfully) remembered as being a seething mass of spam.

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[color=#9933ff]A couple other examples of common places would be nice, since I still really don't understand what they are/what you're getting at.

Would Solo's Enter the 'Net be a common place since everyone knows what it is, and you've even alluded to it in the title on the assumption that everyone knows what it is?!? O___o[/color]
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I think the biggest commonplace around here is that all the awesome people are Australian. It's pretty much true, too. I think they have some kind of fifth chemical in their DNA. "Awesium", or something.

Aside from that and the persecution of the O. Lounge, I don't think there are too many commonplaces around OB. I'm not wholly familiar with everyone and everything, though.
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[size=1]Have you ever noticed how attractive OB's members are? I mean, they're really pretty. Just check out the [URL=http://www.sweethypocrisies.com/obpics/]OB Picture Site[/URL] and it should be evidence enough. I think this is really odd considering that this is an [I]anime[/I] message board. Not only that, but all the hot members are falling in love with each other despite the distance. You'd be surprised at how many secret OB love affairs there are. OB is just chock full o' sex.[/size]
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