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Need help identifying a song


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There is a song that I really like off of the first season of Charmed that I have been having a difficult time trying to figure out the title or artist.

The song is just after the opening theme in Episode 13, From Fear To Eternity. and the lyrics are as follows:

"Gold in the sky, it sparkles in the night. But in the corners of my mind, I feel something's just not right. Call me superstitious, call me any thing you want. But I can't ignore this feeling, I can't close my eyes to certain signs. So, what's the spell I'm under? Or is it just a number? See the signs, they're everywhere, something's coming and something's near, and I got this feeling in my soul I've seen the writting on the wall."

If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it because I want to get the complete song if I can.
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I searched Google and found three songs used in that episode:

The Answer - Brooke Ramel (Album: Tulips Bleed)
Enchanted - Chasing Furies (Album: With Abandon)
No Mercy - Khaleel (Album: People Watching)

I also suggest checking out this webpage for other songs from Charmed...
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