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Fun with Photoshop (Aka my random banner thread)

Ozymandius Jones

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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, I thought I'd give this a try....banner funness. Mostly Beatles, some anime...please tell me what you think![/COLOR]





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[SIZE=1]Good shizzle I see here. My personal favorite is "Treat me like you did the night before." It exudes such power... but I'll analyze each one by one.

[b]First banner[/b] one of my favs. The simplicity of the black and white, unedited, along with simple text makes me love this one. Not too much going on, which leaves us to think about your quote instead of look at all the pretty eye-candy.

[b]Second banner[/b] i'm not feelin'. It's got a busy background... and not in a good way. The colors are good, as it swirls around his head, but the quote is meh... and the "Arr" doesn't help it either. I'd recommend making the guy stand out more from the background.

[b]Third banner[/b] definetly not diggin' either. The colors don't work together well, and the font is hard to read. Not sure what exactly to do here...

[b]Fourth banner[/b] is definetly the best! It's simple (which is good), and powerful at the same time. The placement and duplication of the main focus worked really well. The facial expression is working to your advantage too. I feel it... I dig it... ^_^

[b]Fifth banner[/b] isn't your best either. The colors are fine, but the problem here is the effect you used to make the border like... bulge or something. I don't like it. The image should be bigger. I struggle to find vash amid the colors and such.

The battle has truly begun. Game on. xD[/SIZE]
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[size=1]My only problem/s with the banners is this/these:
~ If you use a border, you're using the same one. It may be nice-ish looking, but try to vary its colour, size and/or pattern.
~ With the text, it's always on a semi-transparent white rectangle. Try giving the text a small shadow by using a light font colour then creating a copy of the text. Place this new text behind the original (to the last pixel), then move it 1-3 pixels to the right and down.
^ Either do the above, or use a bolder font. The white rectangle ruins the impact a full image would have.

Hrmm, it seems I had 2 problems with them. Well, hope they weren't too harsh.
Otherwise good job.[/size]
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[QUOTE=FireMage][size=1]My only problem/s with the banners is this/these:
~ If you use a border, you're using the same one. It may be nice-ish looking, but try to vary its colour, size and/or pattern.

[COLOR=DarkOrange]Well...I have (since making those) discovered a new way of making borders, so the boring cutout border will be disappearing into the miasma.

Also, my problems with the transparent cutout have slowly been vanishing as well...

And Retri, I already gave you my opinion on [i]your[/i] opinions, so I won't repeat myself...although they were very helpful. I will be redesigning some of those with both of your comments in mind. :)

I made this banner for Billy Shears. The text is one of George Harrison's (the guy in the picture) songs for The Beatles. I would like your opinions - it's my first animated banner that doesn't involve just cycling through pictures.

I know it has no border, so don't point that out. ;) [/COLOR]

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