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New avi and banner request


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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]Could someone make me a banner and avi using the attached picture and the linked picture? Could you please put my name on both, and put a nice border around them? Oh and could the banner say, "Life is full of pain...but without pain, none would live." Sorry it's kind of vague, but I'm confidate that anything I get will be snazzy.

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I hope this set is ok. Lemme know about any colour changes you want. The colours I chose I tried to suit the phrase with, but again, lemme know if it's not what you were looking for.


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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, Rin darling, I've gotten so used to the line in your signature that I figured I'd better do this one...



Hope they're snazzy enough for ya![/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]*Shakes head sadly* I fear your name may forever be in my signature, Ozy. :animeswea Once again you've blown me away with your unparalleled expertise in the realm of art. :animesmil Hey, FireMage, your art was awesome as well, but I'm gonna go with Ozy's. The avis and banners she makes for me always seem to be exactly what I'm looking for.... :animestun creepy... :shifty: [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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[color=blue][size=1]Gah! I hope I'm not too late (though my try sucks.. ;_;)

I had just finished this morning, but I had to go to school.. ;_; I just got home and I discover Ozy's entry. O:

Well.. here. xD[/size][/color]
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