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Banner and Avatar Set, Please (picture included)


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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I would like somebody to please make me a banner out of [URL=http://server5.theimagehosting.com/image.php?img=Untitled-Scanned-02.1.jpg]this picture[/URL].

As far as effects go, I would like antique-like, the kind you would find in a victorian house, or a government building, but still very clear and crisp.

The colors should be reds and golds.

All I would like it to say is "Justice must be blind." in cursive text, not too fancy, but still pretty.

I do not want my username on the banner. If you could make the avatar of just her head, that would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to seeing the results. [/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Hey... sorry this took so long. >:^D

Anyway, you have a few options. Hope you like them. I just wasn't sure if you wanted the gold and red bright or dark. >_>[/SIZE]




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